求2000字关于Business的商务英语作文一片,谢谢!拜托各位了 3Q

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求2000字关于Business的商务英语作文一片,谢谢!拜托各位了 3Q
求2000字关于Business的商务英语作文一片,谢谢!拜托各位了 3Q

求2000字关于Business的商务英语作文一片,谢谢!拜托各位了 3Q
Business English communication is a professional international trade doors vocational skills classes,English as a means of communication for business activities also represent the graduates who work in the most widespread application of business English knowledge.After a semester of learning,I have basically mastered the international business English communications basic knowledge,the use of skilled foreign trade messages in the various language methods and formats,the correct use of professional terminology,from the establishment of business relations,credit investigation,the site,offer,counter-offer,orders,payment,transport,insurance,claims,settlements and other trade links to the letters of credit,invoices,bills of lading and other documents of the foreign trade of the production,and also included confirmation,agreements,contracts,etc.set.With China's accession to the World Trade Organization,as well as a growing number of enterprises to enter the international market,foreign trade practitioners social needs constant development.This vast number of job-seekers to create good jobs.Cross-border between different countries commodity trading.As a result of the transaction the parties belonging to two different countries or regions,and therefore engaged in such business activities more than domestic complex,difficult,and thus more challenging.This requires a solid business personnel in the basic knowledge and highly operational capability in the modern international business activities,the use of skilled foreign trade and business English knowledge of English letters.The class will study the contents of a full integration practice work.

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