
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:06:52

本文通过分析Y公司Z工程项目的成本控制与进度控制,提出成本与进度综合控制与优化的思路.本文首先分析了当前Y公司工程项目管理中成本和进度的关系和分离控制的现状;然后将“挣值法”和“网络计划技术” 方法引入到项目成本和进度的综合控制中,并通过Y公司Z工程项目实践该方法.最后,从实践中证明:本项论文的研究结果为“挣值法”和“网络计划技术”在资源相对固定,而工程量随时间起伏较大的工程项目成本与进度综合控制中的有效应用提供了一种可操作的方法.

Chinese communication construction market competition intensified, and the industry gradually entered the era of peanuts. Therefore, Y company wants to based on the communication industry, the key is how to put the most appropriate cost. This paper used earned value analysis method in project management and the cost of realizing the comprehensive control progress, overcome the Y company in communication engineering project management of cost and schedule of the shortcomings of separate control, the cost of the project management to effectively control and maximize reduce enterprise management cost.
Through analyzing Y Z engineering project cost control and schedule, cost control and schedule of the comprehensive control and optimization of ideas. This paper firstly analyzes the current Y company project management cost and schedule of the relationship between the status quo and control, Then will "earned value method" and "network" introduces the method to the project cost and schedule, and through the comprehensive control project practice Y Z method. Finally, from the practice of this paper proved: the study results for "earned value method" and "network", and the relative resources in fixed quantity fluctuation with time of project cost and schedule of comprehensive control of effective application provides a workable methods.
This research mainly displays in: the earned value method is introduced to Y company project management, project cost and schedule in comprehensive control project management, target. This research results, not only for "the earned value method" and "network planning technique" in the project cost and schedule of comprehensive control project in the construction of Y effective application provides a new method of operation, and to promote the project cost and schedule control level, make Y company adapt to the development of market economy, the demand with the international practice, has certain practical meaning and practical value.
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英语翻译中国通信建设市场竞争愈演愈烈,全行业逐步进入了微利时代.因此,Y公司要想立足于通信行业,关键在于如何把成本降低到最适当的地步.本文使用挣值分析方法在项目管理中的运用实 英语翻译翻译:“在中国高速发展的今天,市场竞争愈演愈烈,从过去的只“满足顾客需求”的计划经济发展到了如今涵盖品牌、服务、企业文化的市场经济,顾客越来越显得重要.如今管理者越 什么是单工通信,半双工通信,全双工通信? 英语翻译用英语翻译:通信建设监理有限公司Communication & Construction Consultant Co.,Ltd.这样写准确吗?Communication & Construction通信建设当两个名词同时使用时,前一个名字可作形容词。请问还需要 英语翻译“中国某某工程建设有限公司”该怎么翻译? 英语翻译关键词:娱乐节目 真人秀 弊端近几年,中国娱乐电视“真人秀”节目愈演愈烈,选秀节目频频出台,纷纷倡导“平民化,低门槛”的口号,让受众即广大观众朋友有更多的话语权.让普通 英语翻译进入21世纪,信息化对经济社会发展的影响越来越巨大。面对激烈的市场竞争,中小企业更加强调快速反应、及时调整,所以中小企业的信息化建设已经成为企业获取竞争优势的最 单工通信,半双工通信,全双工通信它们的概念是什么? 对单工通信,半双工通信,全双工通信分别举例说明 英语翻译汇通信诚租贷有限公司 英语翻译移动通信中的术语 建设幸福中国作文 怎样建设“美丽中国” 如何建设美丽中国 建设幸福中国作文 作文《建设幸福中国》 《建设幸福中国》征文 建设幸福中国作文