英语故事带翻译 可以朗读

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英语故事带翻译 可以朗读
英语故事带翻译 可以朗读

英语故事带翻译 可以朗读
Tess was a precocious eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money. They were moving to an apartment complex next month because Daddy didn't have the money for the doctor's bills and our house.
  Only a very costly surgery could save him now and it was looking like there was no-one to loan them the money. She heard Daddy say to her tearful Mother with whispered desperation, “Only a miracle can save him now.”
  Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. She poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.
  Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.
  She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster.
  No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it! “And what do you want?” the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. “I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages, ”he said without waiting for a reply to his question.“
  “Well, I want to talk to you about my brother,” Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. “He's really, really sick…… and I want to buy a miracle.”
  “I beg your pardon?” said the pharmacist. “His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?”
  “We don't sell miracles here, little girl. I'm sorry but I can't help you,” the pharmacist said, softening a little. “Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isn't enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs.”
  The pharmacist's brother was a well-dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?” “I don't know,” Tess replied with her eyes welling up.
  “I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it, so I want to use my money.”
  “How much do you have?” asked the man from Chicago.
  “One dollar and eleven cents,” Tess answered barely audibly. “And it's all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.”
  “Well, what a coincidence,” smiled the man. “A dollar and eleven cents — the exact price of a miracle for little brothers. ”He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”
  That well-dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. The operation was completed without charge and it wasn't long until Andrew was home again and doing well. Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.
  “That surgery,” her Mom whispered, “was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?” Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost…… one dollar and eleven cents …… plus the faith of a little child.
  “刚刚好,”男人笑着说,“一美元十一美分 —— 正好可以为你弟弟买个奇迹.”他一手拿着小女孩的钱一手紧紧握住她的手说“带我去你住的地方,我想去看看你弟弟和你的父母,看看我是不是有你们需要的奇迹.”

I was accompanying my husband on a business trip. He carried his portable computer with him, and the guard at the airport gate asked him to open the case. It was locked, and the man waited patiently a...


I was accompanying my husband on a business trip. He carried his portable computer with him, and the guard at the airport gate asked him to open the case. It was locked, and the man waited patiently as my embarrassed spouse struggled to remember the combination . At last he succeeded. 'Why are you so nervous?' I asked him. 'The numbers are the date of our anniversary.' my usband confessed.
我陪丈夫一起出差,他带着他的手提式计算机。机场出口处检查员要他打开包。他耐心的等着我那窘迫的丈夫设法回想起暗锁的密码。最后他终于想起来了。 “你为什么那么紧张呢?”我问他。 “这密码是我们结婚纪念日。”他承认道



A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. "Now, children," said she , "has anyone of you ever make someone else glad?"
"Please, teacher ,"said a small b...


A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. "Now, children," said she , "has anyone of you ever make someone else glad?"
"Please, teacher ,"said a small boy, "I've make someone glad yesterday."
"Well done. Who was that?"
"My grandma"
"Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad."
"Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, 'Granny, I'm going home,' and she said, 'Well, I'm glad'!"
一个主日学校校(基督教教会为了向儿童灌输宗教思想, 在星期天开办的儿童班)的老师在对学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。“现在,孩子们,”她说:“你们当中有谁让别人高兴过?”

