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南北战争:Civil War,U.S.
1861年4月~1865年4月,美国南方与北方之间进行的战争.又称美国内战.北方领导战争的是资产阶级.在南方,坚持战争的只是种植场奴隶主,他们进行战争的目的是把奴隶制度扩大到全国, 而北方资产阶级的目的在于打败南方,以便恢复全国的统一.

1860年共和党人林肯当选为总统,美国民主党遭到惨败,这就成为南方奴隶主脱离联邦和发动叛乱的信号.南部蓄奴州南卡罗来纳州首先脱离联邦,接着佐治亚州、亚拉巴马、佛罗里达、密西西比、路易斯安那和得克萨斯诸州相继脱离, 并于1861年2月宣布成立“南部同盟”,另立以杰斐逊·戴维斯为总统的政府.1861年4月12日叛乱政府军开始炮轰在南卡罗来纳的联邦萨姆特要塞,14日被攻陷.林肯政府于4月15日发布讨伐令,内战爆发 .不久,弗吉尼亚、北卡罗来纳、田纳西、阿肯色4州退出联邦参加南部联盟.
1863年,北方在军事上出现转机.同年7月1日葛底斯堡大捷,歼灭南军2.8万人 ,成为内战的转折点.战场上的主动权转到北方军队手中.1864年,北方最高统帅采用新的战略方针:在东,西两线同时展开强大攻势.在东线以消耗敌人的力量为主要目标;在西线用强大兵力深入敌方腹地,切断“南部同盟”的东北部与西南部的联系.1864年9月,W.T.谢尔曼将军麾下的北军一举攻下亚特兰大,两个月后开始著名的“向海洋进军”,在进军中彻底摧毁了敌人的各种军事设施,使南方经济陷于瘫痪.在东线,格兰特将军统率北军把敌军驱逼到叛乱“首都”里士满附近.1865年初,奴隶纷纷逃亡,种植场经济濒于瓦解.北方海军实行的海上封锁,几乎断绝了南方与欧洲的贸易.同时,在南方内部也出现反对派,许多小农加入联邦派从事反战活动.南方逃兵与日俱增.粮食及日用品匮乏.1865年4月9日,R.E.李的部队陷入北方军队的重围之中,被迫向格兰特请降.美国内战终止.美国恢复统一.
北方在战争中的胜利,确立了北方大资产阶级在全国的统治地位.内战消灭了奴隶制,从而为美国的资本主义迅速发展扫清了道路.《宅地法》的实施 ,加速了西部的开发,促进农业资本主义发展中美国式道路的胜利.因而19世纪末美国一跃而成为世界上最先进的工农业资本主义大国.黑人在内战后的重建时期仍受到多方面的歧视和种植场主的剥削,但在政治上取得公民权及选举权,从奴隶枷锁下解放出来.因此,美国内战在美国历史发展中是具有划时代的进步意义的.
Civil War
Civil War: Civil War, U.S.
In April 1861 to April 1865, the United States between North and South war. Also known as the American Civil War. North is leading the war bourgeoisie. In the South, insist war is plantation slavery, the purpose of war is to expand the slave system of the country, while the northern bourgeoisie is designed to defeat the South, in order to restore national unity.
The mid-19th century, free labor system in northern and southern slavery to the development of the contradictions between irreconcilable stage, the slave system in the United States the main obstacle to socio-economic development, the struggle between North and South in the western land for a performance in the most intense. The first half of the 19th century westward expansion in the territory of the United States in the process of setting up a new series of Western states. But whenever the occasion of the establishment of the new state, as occurred in the state - or the struggle against slavery. Northern bourgeoisie and the peasants in the new states that the prohibition of slavery, the new requirements identified in the free state. Southern slaveholders, tried to extend slavery to the West, advocates of the new state, defined as slavery, slave-owners in the United States use of its Parliament and the government's dominance in consecutive victory, the majority of the people of Northern provoked indignation. Established in 1854 in the north of the Republican Party. The same year, the Southern slaveholders an attempt to force the expansion of slavery to Kansas, then broke out in western Kansas, farmers and immigrants from the free state of the Southern slaveholders against the armed struggle, the struggle continued until 1856, opened the prelude to civil war. 1857 slaveholders also attempted to slavery extended to the entire territory of the United States forward. Leading John intifada.
The first stage

In 1860 Republican President Abraham Lincoln was elected, the United States defeat by the Democratic Party, which became Southern slaveholders from the Federation and the rebels launched signal. Southern slavery in South Carolina the first state from the federal, then the state of Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas have been from the states, and in February 1861 announced the formation of "southern alliance" and to separate the President Jefferson Davis government. On April 12, 1861 the rebel army started shelling in South Carolina federal Fort Sumter, the 14th name. Lincoln government on April 15 issued the onslaught, the civil war broke out. Soon, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, four from the union in southern Union.
The beginning of the war far exceeds the strength of the North South, the North 22.34 million population, only 9.1 million South, and more than 380 million of which is the slave trade. The North has developed industrial, railway network connections and rich food, and the South almost no industrial, railway rarely. But the South's military is fully prepared, with all the training, equipment, and more sophisticated military. Moreover, the eve of the civil war, President J. Buchanan to the large quantities of weapons and money to transfer it to the South. Lincoln in the early years of war civil war aim is to restore the unity of the South and the North, the slave system that will touch some of the border to the South, slaves rebel side, which lost the border states of this strategically important regions. Because the government refused to declare the liberation of the Northern slaves. Therefore, in the first phase of the civil war, the North suffered defeat in the military. In Manassas in July 1861 and the 1862 summer campaign in the peninsula, North-heavy losses. Although the North-West Line made a series of brilliant victory from the hands of the Yugoslav Army seized several important strategic positions, but these results were offset by the line of Waterloo.
In the northern military has repeatedly failed circumstances, the radical faction within the Republican Party and the community to scrap the right to the liberation of black slaves and armed proposition. Lincoln also aware of the need for the liberation of slaves.
The second stage
On September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued the preliminary "liberate black slaves Declaration." Announced: If the January 1, 1863 before the South rebels do not lay down their arms, the rebel slave states since the day it will be free. News spread to the South, thousands of slaves fled to the north. The British working class has launched a campaign to support the north, forcing the British government to abandon the original plan to interfere.
Lincoln government has also introduced a series of measures and policies Revolution: 1862 - 1863 implementation of the policy of armed blacks. Therefore, thousands of blacks enroll in the northern army, which mainly in the South quilombo; In May 1862 the promulgation of the "Homestead Act" stipulates: all loyal to the Federal adults, as long as the delivery of 10 US dollars registration fee, they can receive in the western 64.74 hectares of land, land farming can become five years after the land owners. Lincoln government to suppress counter-revolutionaries, the South cleansing agents in the army. 1863 started to implement conscription law, to replace the edge, thus, enhance the strength of the North. At the same time, Lincoln adjusted the military leadership, a unified command, outstanding appointments to the U.S. military Grant for the military commander.
In 1863, the Northern military turn. The same year on July 1 Gettysburg victory, Terminator VJ 28,000 people and became a turning point in the civil war. On the battlefield initiative in the hands of the army to the north. In 1864, Supreme Commander of the North adoption of a new strategic directions: East, West simultaneously launched two powerful offensive line. In line with the power consumption of the enemy main objectives; In West with a powerful strength in depth of the enemy's hinterland, and to cut off "the southern alliance" of the Northeast and Southwest ties. In September 1864, W.T. General Sherman's army killing ten North Atlanta, two months after the famous "into the oceans", enter completely destroyed in the enemy's military facilities, South economic gridlock. In the East, Northern Army Command General Grant to drive the enemy into the rebel "capital" near Richmond. Early in 1865, have fled slavery, plantation brink of economic collapse. Northern Navy implemented a naval blockade, almost cut off trade with the European south. Meanwhile, also in the south of internal opposition, many small farmers were joined in the federal anti-war activities. South deserters increasing. Lack of food and daily necessities. On April 9, 1865, Lee's forces R.E. a tight encirclement of the northern army, forced Grant to the gassing. End of the Civil War. The United States resuming reunification.
The significance of the civil war
During the civil war, the two sides battle for consumption of 15 billion US dollars. Federal military casualties 630,000 people, the Yugoslav Army casualties 480,000 people. The war demonstrated the power of modern industry, both equipped with a new large-bore weapons, promoting the formation dispersed, field fortifications and infantry force operating near the use and development. Rail and telegraph played a major role, and the first time in the history of warfare and the use of armored ships, mines, torpedoes and submarines.
North's victory in the war, to establish the North of the big bourgeoisie in the dominant position. Civil war eliminated slavery, which the United States cleared the rapid development of the capitalist road. "Homestead Act" of the implementation, and has accelerated the development of the west, promoting agricultural development in the American-style capitalist road victory. Thus the late 19th century the United States leaped into the world's most advanced industrial capitalist power. Black postwar period of reconstruction, still be many plantation owners discrimination and exploitation, but in the political citizenship and the right to vote, from the liberation of slave shackles. Therefore, the history of the Civil War in the United States is a landmark in the development of meaningful progress