
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:17:59


Thank you very much for the recommendations made have already been modified in accordance with the rules.The body of one of the number of pages did not refer to the literature,as well as the number of pages contain images included,because the experiment involves a large number of pages,some in excess of the range,I wonder if it is required must cut?Before in order to ensure consistency of image size,adjust the image size,I do not know whether the article in order to maintain the original image size?The presentation has been issued by the original size of the restoration of images.Are because of your contributions to the first,for the presentation,what changes,but also trouble many of your advice!

Thank you very much for your advice in accordance with regulations, have modified. One page of text and images without reference to contain pages included in this experiment, the content involved beca...


Thank you very much for your advice in accordance with regulations, have modified. One page of text and images without reference to contain pages included in this experiment, the content involved because some more, beyond the prescribed scope page, whether certain need to cut? To ensure consistency before the image size, the image size is adjusted, don't know whether to keep the original image size? This manuscript has been restored the original image starts. Due to contribute your first, for the manuscripts what amendments to bother you much, teach!


Thank you very much for the recommendations made have already been modified in accordance with the rules. The body of one of the number of pages did not refer to the literature, as well as the number ...


Thank you very much for the recommendations made have already been modified in accordance with the rules. The body of one of the number of pages did not refer to the literature, as well as the number of pages contain images included, because the experiment involves a large number of pages, some in excess of the range, I wonder if it is required must cut? Before in order to ensure consistency of image size, adjust the image size, I don·tknow whether the article in order to maintain the original image size? The presentation has been issued by the original size of the restoration of images. Are because of your contributions to the first, for the presentation, what changes, but also trouble many of your advice


We will make every effort to sell many. We plan to complete a minimum of 600 boxes today, so I hope you will give us a good price. We will 100% T / T in advance payment

One page of text and images without reference to contain pages included in this experiment, the content involved because some more, beyond the prescribed scope page, whether certain need to cut? To en...


One page of text and images without reference to contain pages included in this experiment, the content involved because some more, beyond the prescribed scope page, whether certain need to cut? To ensure consistency before the image size, the image size is adjusted, don't know whether to keep the original image size? This manuscript has been restored the original image starts. Due to contribute your first, for the manuscripts what amendments to bother you much, teach!


英语翻译非常感谢您提出的建议,已经按照规则进行了修改.其中正文的页数没有将参考文献以及图像所包含的页数计入,由于该实验涉及的内容较多,页数有些超出规定的范围,不知是否一定需 英语翻译非常感谢您的建议,我们会在今后的工作中改进! 英语翻译前天耽误了您的时间非常不好意思,我已经大概了解了,感谢您的建议,如果我有什么问题会再和您联系的.有关那个邮件地址是中介吗. 非常感谢你对我提的建议___用英语翻译 英语翻译非常感谢您提供的建议,但是很抱歉,我不想引导他人参考已经被我拒绝的价格;我了解您建议的采取投标方式,会让事情变得简单而有效率,我想,在了解不同收购者的实力和欲望强度 英语翻译真的非常感谢 英语翻译感谢您今天的到来,相信您的示范一定已经让我们同事学到了很多的搭配技巧和感觉,同时更增加了他们在销售时的信心.同时我也非常感谢您给我们提出的宝贵意见,这会很好的帮助我 英语翻译非常非常的感谢!十万火急! 英语翻译尊敬的宾客:您好!为了给您提供更优质的洗衣服务,我们非常感谢您能对洗衣服务提出具体意见和建议:……………………………………………………………………………………… 英语翻译你在8.27日的邮件已经提到1050订单所有球齿的标签牌号打RC-YG15,工厂已经全部按照你的要求包装并打好了托盘,你昨天的邮件又要求标签打YG15,这样更改是非常非常麻烦的.我们建议还 英语翻译非常抱歉因为中国春节的原因回复晚了.我们在28日有给您回复一封邮件,通知您由于货物已经到纽约我们无法修改ams,并且建议您所有的清关资料按照10件要做.之前您要求修改提单时, 英语翻译非常感谢您如此热情而且迅速的回复 英语翻译,非常感谢您的亲自给予回复和重视. 我们非常感谢您上周给予我们的帮助.英语翻译 英语翻译非常感谢您转发给我们顾客的询价.我已经转发给我们销售经理,他会根据顾客的要求报价给香港. 非常感谢你邀请我.的英语翻译 智叟 英语翻译权威点的 非常感谢 英语翻译非常感谢热心网友的回答