
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 22:03:20


提问者 :The 回答者(名字) How are you, our topic of today talk"the lottery ticket industry".We know that along with the computer lottery ticket universality in our country, "lottery ticket" has already become a necessary contents of people's daily life, the television,newspaper,broadcasting stationses all are filled with the news report way of the lottery ticket everyday.Since this year, on the other hand social public to lottery ticket the not certain of the lawmaking, on the other hand people to the report way of some apparently so but actually nots concerning lottery ticket again feel a perplexity.
回答者:I have already said ago very much, the lottery ticket wants to study of the realm is a lot of, lottery ticket policy,lottery ticket market,the lottery ticket economy,lottery ticket technique,lottery ticket mental etc..Positive because the lottery ticket is a new-born thing, existing a lot of standpoints of apparently so but actually nots and knowing not strange.
We did some analysis to"apparently so but actually not" of the lottery ticket technique before, for example was contrary with the felling of the generally colourful people, in the our country currently the too happy type lottery ticket, several rates of the hyphen were far larger than and connect of several rates,in the same basic number"35 choose 6+1" was more difficult than"35 choose 7" many.
提问者: we also pay attention to the relevant news of the national and colourful city very, sometimes we also feel hard comprehension, for example some place provision"the lottery ticket center the staff member prohibit to buy a lottery ticket".
回答者:My not clear this policy wants to inform what kind of information.But 《lottery ticket net in Guangxi 》of the net friend compare to this objection greatly-the original lottery ticket is to offer public-spirited"the benevolence engineering" of society, your lottery ticket center call other people"dedicate a benevolence", that yourself why can't"dedicate a benevolence"?Even from studied colourful city and understood the angle that the colourful popular support manage to see, the personnel of the lottery ticket center also really should eat some human life firework.
Even there is individual person to chase"colourful city" and"stock market" type ratio in this problem, because the stock market has up similar provision etc..This kind of type of ratio is very"innocent" also dangerous, do like this on the stock market is because of wanting to prevent°from a big door of factitiousness of operation, does the colourful city exist such possibility?The lottery ticket is a kind of game of the everyone equal opportunity, any citizen buys 2 dollar money lottery ticket, among them, the prize opportunities is all similar, regardless you are the farmer,citizenry,tall officer or issue an organization staff member.
提问者:Some colourful peoples think 50% of the lottery ticket sale useds for returning a prize, another 50% BE"banker" to earn, so the lottery ticket center profits is especially big, is the circumstance so?
回答者:Want to explain first before answer this problem, the lottery ticket center is not what"banker", just the nation specify of the organization of the issue and sale lottery ticket.The lottery ticket sale style in addition to know to all of 50% return the prize cash award, 35%(was 30% last year) is a social community chest, the issue expenses had 15%.This a few comparisons inshore ny lottery ticket,any play is all similar.
Blessing the colourful center can control of only this 15% issue fees.6 among thoses percentage point is each put into a station of direct selling fee, used for to put into the station owner to pay place rental,artificial wages,the correspondence fee,water & electricity,publicizee expenses and put into the interest of the equipments security deposit, the rest is the cash award of the owner.Connect what everyone use"free" of put into list,the lottery ticket heatses to all share 1-3 percentage points.Leave of 6-8 order just is blessing the colourful center used for the market marketing and system to circulate of expenses, the noodles includes near calculator sale network of 90,000,000 dollars and the depreciation of the equipments and circulate,support expenses here, also having market publicity expenses and transacting expenses,wages,33% business enterprise income tax gold(DO not contain big prize a winner another to go up pay nation of 20% income taxes) etc.s.
Always say that come, the lottery ticket issue organization is a nonprofit public-spirited organization, the issue expenses is widespread very nervous, so the society a handful of men thinks the standpoint of"the banker is steady to earn to earn greatly" is unilateral.



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