A country needs a strong g_____.

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A country needs a strong g_____.
A country needs a strong g_____.

A country needs a strong g_____.
政府 [[zhèng fǔ]]

government 政府


A country needs a strong g_____. what this country needs is a good five-cent nikel . our country,s birthday is_________.a on October 1st,1949 b 1949,on October 1st单选 it needs a little I will go __the country needs me most.A.which B.where C.that D.what 选择哪一个? The old man ____ go out for a walk twice a week.A.need B.needs C.needs to D.both A and BI______(希望) i could go to the country in the USA.The old man ____ go out for a walk twice a week.A.need B.needs C.needs to D.both A and B our country's birthday is ( ) A,on october 1sh ,1949B,in 1st octorber,1949C,in 1949,1st october D,1949,on octorber 1st my shirt needs a button Select a country是什么意思 govern a country是什么意思? a socialist country an European country or a European country 英文填空,帮忙填一下,谢谢The comprehensive industrial _____strengthen needs to be enhanced in this country to ensure a better economicdevelopment. what a country urgently needs is not money请问 此处urgently为啥用副词,修饰名词不是应该用形容词吗?此处urgently做什么成分? The birthday of our country is ( )october 1st,( )A;on,1921 B;in,1927 C;on,1949 D;in,1968 The development of our country needs a lot of.求大神翻译一下 感谢The development of our country needs a lot of professionals,in a word, without education,China would not be able to improve the living standard of her people or to achieve her I think your bike ______.A.needs to repairB.needs repairingC.needs to repairingD.needs repairedneed什么sth ? 急Anyone ___ to another country needs special papers.1.Anyone ___ to another country needs special papers.A.traveled B.to travel D.traveling2.He waited for about two hours,only _______to come the next day to meet the manager.A.to tell B.to be told 3