英语翻译Java is known to be a strongly type safe language,but there are some coding conventions and when these are used in some applications like persistent storage through serialization may generate unreliable or wrong output.Such cases should b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:43:30

英语翻译Java is known to be a strongly type safe language,but there are some coding conventions and when these are used in some applications like persistent storage through serialization may generate unreliable or wrong output.Such cases should b
Java is known to be a strongly type safe language,but there are some coding conventions and when these are used in some applications like persistent storage through serialization may generate unreliable or wrong output.Such cases should be caught and modified as per requirement to produce a modified safe program.This can be achieved by designing a translator tool which can catch unsafe code segments and produce a modified safe code segment.When a singleton class is serialized it is necessary to include a special method from serializable interface within it then only it gives us right result.If this method is not there within the class then it produces unpredictable results.Such results may violate type safe property of object oriented programming.Here the translator is designed using ANTLR which is going to check availability of this method in the input java file.If this method is not found then add the method and generate a type safe program at output.The same translator can be applicable for generics and their limitations.Here the translator is going to trace if there are any unchecked warnings or runtime exception then modify the input program to generate a safe program at output.This will lead to minimize limitations of java generics.

英语翻译Java is known to be a strongly type safe language,but there are some coding conventions and when these are used in some applications like persistent storage through serialization may generate unreliable or wrong output.Such cases should b
translator tool可以翻译为“转换工具”

英语翻译Java is known to be a strongly type safe language,but there are some coding conventions and when these are used in some applications like persistent storage through serialization may generate unreliable or wrong output.Such cases should b 是as is known to...还是as iT known to... it known to all还是it is known to all newton one of the greatest scientists.is known for is known as is known to is known by 英语翻译:众所周知台湾是中国的一部分 开头:I is known to all that … 众所周知,成功源自努力 英语翻译It is known to us all that ___you success. as is known to everyone对不对,众所周知 英语翻译some microcomputers include special java microprocessors designed to run java software directly.java is not compatible with many existing microprocessors,such as those from intel and Motorola.for this reason,these users need to use a smal 英语翻译if that country is made known to our company or reasonably could have been known by our company.怎么翻译好? 英语翻译 There is no reason you couldn't pop in to say hi and to make yourself known. 英语翻译1、To learn without thinking is labour in wain,to think without learning is desolation.2、To acknowledge what is known as known,and what is not known as not known is knowledge.3、Men live with honesty.The dishonest live,spared by fortu it is known to all that 和as is known to all that 区别 As is known to us.和It is known to us.后面接什么啊?为啥 It Is known to us 和as is known to us 有什么区别 如何区别As is known to all与It is known to all? As is known(在句首时)后面只能跟to As is known to be... 英语翻译句子1.As is known to us all,the earth is round.定从2.It is known to us all that the earthe is round.3.what is known to us all is that the whale is not fish but mammal.主从1.这三句话的中文翻译是什么?有什么区别么?侧 英语翻译,java.io.IOEXception:failed to write to file