
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 10:23:01


It's drizzling outside today,a little cold.I got up very early.But I regretted as soon as I got to the classroom.The door was still locked.It could be he wants to sleep a little more.打不完了

today is a little bit of raining, it's cold too. I woke up very early. but when I get to class, I regret. Because of the person who suppose to open the door don't have to come. Maybe it's.打不完

It was drizzling and I felt a little bit cold. I got up so early that I regretted as soon as I reached the classroom. Due to the absence of my classmate who kept the keys, I couldnot enter.

Early getting up and to the classroom in this rainy cold morning, I became regretful as the key-taker, maybe sleeping for the rain, hadn't arrived yet. He came finally 6:30. Realy unlucky today!