老师们好~我有两道题不懂..—I can't see the blackboad clearly .—perhaps you need ____.A.examine your eyes B.examining your eyes C.having your eyes examined D.to have your eyes examined我觉得他说也许是你的眼睛该被检查检

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 18:20:57

老师们好~我有两道题不懂..—I can't see the blackboad clearly .—perhaps you need ____.A.examine your eyes B.examining your eyes C.having your eyes examined D.to have your eyes examined我觉得他说也许是你的眼睛该被检查检
—I can't see the blackboad clearly .
—perhaps you need ____.
A.examine your eyes B.examining your eyes
C.having your eyes examined D.to have your eyes examined
我觉得他说也许是你的眼睛该被检查检查了,用被动语态.need后用doing或者need to be done 表示,为什么选项是D?
Every minute and every second should be made full ___of___the finails.
A.use ;preparing for B.used ;being prepared for
C.use ;to prepare for D.using ;prepare for
为是么不选A 选C 介词后不是跟动名词

老师们好~我有两道题不懂..—I can't see the blackboad clearly .—perhaps you need ____.A.examine your eyes B.examining your eyes C.having your eyes examined D.to have your eyes examined我觉得他说也许是你的眼睛该被检查检
Perhaps you need to have your eyes examined.或许你需要检查一下你的眼睛.
sth +need+doing\to be done 这时候这个句型表被动,这时need 的主语是物,不是人.
The flowers need waterinig\to be watered.这些花需要浇水了.
在这个句子中Perhaps you need to have your eyes examined.主语是you ,你需要干某事就是主动,所以就是you need to do.
have sth done 汉语是:让(某人)干某事.例如.You should have your hair cut.你该理发了.(也就是你该让理发师给你理发了)
I had my bike repaired yesterday. 昨天我修了下自行车.(也就是我让修车师傅给我修了车)
Every minute and every second should be made full ___of___the finails.这是个被动语态,它的主动语态是:We should make full use of every minute and every second (to prepare for the finals).这儿是短语make full use of.to do sth. to do sth动词不定式作目的状语,和前面的介词of没有关系,不过改成被动语态后与of靠着了.

老师们好~我有两道题不懂..—I can't see the blackboad clearly .—perhaps you need ____.A.examine your eyes B.examining your eyes C.having your eyes examined D.to have your eyes examined我觉得他说也许是你的眼睛该被检查检 请问老师们,can you recall entering our province?中的entering 不懂啥意思,可否教下我? 改为被动语态 老师说很简单 但我不懂 求help I have taken a book I had taken a book I will take a book I would take a book I can take a book 明那,i can't buy that kind of book,beacuse they——out the day before yesterday.我本人认为,填 had been sold.但老师说不行,有答得好的我再给分 第三题我有点不懂了谢谢老师们 i can't get you 什么意思有没有 “我不懂你 的意思?? you can feel it,i trust that 我的英语比较差,完全不懂 英语翻译I can do it我对英文实在.....不懂, 我学了经济学原理后 老师说的什么I-S曲线和L-M曲线我不懂, He spends as much time as he can __(practice) it.为什么不能填practice.can+v原?老师讲应该填原形哦,我不懂哦. 懂小学英语的进,弄不懂这题是怎么回事.答得好有悬赏值Do you like ( running yes,I do .Let's ( runs ) together.我不懂这里的run为什么要加s,这里又不是第三人称单数,我这么写老师也算我对的,别的 “我的辛苦你们不懂”用英语怎么说you can't understand how hard i study 是 你们不懂我有多努力学习的意思吗 my english is no very good ,can i speak chinese 人家给我发的 我不懂英语 比如说 i can see you我不懂see这个单词 我要问他 --- 翻译成英语怎么说? 英语的问题大家快来帮帮忙很急啊老师出的题目很怪很怪我不懂hi,julia .i am going to have a ( )at my house next weekend .do you want to come?sure .can i help you organize it?yeah .i will ( )some helphow many did you ( you are t can i come in对吗英语中CAN I COME IN?这种说法对吗?那如果是考试,老师会不会算对?我知道MAY I COME IN Can you _(swim)?Yes,I like_(swim).I'm_(swim)【Can you ——(swim)?Yes,I like——(swim).I'm——(swim)】请帮我把横线填好! 我现在初3了、发现老师在上面讲什么我都不懂、求各位能够给我好的意见、怎么样才能补上去?