求英语完型详细解答It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Java' s young people mad with excitement.Fireworks were lit long before the moon 36 . The big noise brought people out 37 the warm night to enjoy the inte

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:48:31

求英语完型详细解答It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Java' s young people mad with excitement.Fireworks were lit long before the moon 36 . The big noise brought people out 37 the warm night to enjoy the inte
It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Java' s young people mad with excitement.
Fireworks were lit long before the moon 36 . The big noise brought people out 37 the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene. Everywhere, there were the paper remains of 38__ fireworks lying on the ground. Little boys 39 more and covered their ears as they waited _ 40__ for the explosions.
The moon appeared above the horizon(地平线) : huge, 41 ball high above the city, and the __42 filled with people, as Java began to enjoy one of the year' s greatest _ 43 _ : ' the Night of the Full Moon' , a festival(节日) that is especially popular 44_ young people.
More and more young Javanese 45 together and walked slowly through the 46 Joking and chatting, they moved towards the mountain _ 47 the city. They continued to climb 48 they reached the old temple( 寺庙 ) at the 49 of the mountain.
After they were _ 50 the temple, they drank their water and ate their moon-cakes -- delicious home-made ones, 51 of dried fruit and nuts. Outside, on the mountain, young people 52__ cross-legged in circles, chatting and telling each other jokes. And 53 , in their hundreds, more young people continued to make their way up the mountain to 54 the brightly shining moon.
By midnight, the fireworks had stopped shooting up from the 55 city in the valley below them. But during the night, the sound continued to be heard from the distance.
36. A. let out B. gave out C. came out D. set out
37. A. into B. at C. of D. from
38. A. burning B. used C. exploding D. broken
39. A. lit B. bought C. piled D. removed
40. A. patiently B. calmly C. worriedly D. excitedly
41. A. silver B. new C. colorful D. gold
42. A. mountains B. valleys C. streets D. shops
43. A. games B. meetings C. sports D. events
44. A. for B. to C. with D. in
45. A. danced B. gathered C. drank D. shouted
46. A. village B. scene C. night D. ground
47. A. on the edge of B. on the way to C. in the center of D. in the direction of
48. A. while B. until C. unless D. though
49. A. tip B. back C. top D. bottom
50. A. inside B. near C. off D. across
51. A. fond B. little C. full D. free
52. A. jumped B. sat C. stood D. bent
53. A. so B. even C. yet D. still
54. A. follow B. show C. notice D. admire
55. A. clean B. gray C. peaceful D. empty

求英语完型详细解答It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Java' s young people mad with excitement.Fireworks were lit long before the moon 36 . The big noise brought people out 37 the warm night to enjoy the inte
36 C月亮出来
37 A bring into带入
38 B 用过的,这里指燃过了的
39 A点燃
40 D兴奋的
41 A玉盘,银盘嘛
42 C城市的街道上
43 D盛大的节日,大日子
44 A对他们来说
45 B聚到一起
46 C在黑暗中穿行
47 A山在城市的边缘
48 B直到,他们一直爬到山顶的寺庙处才停下
49 C
50 A与下一题一起看,知是inside
51 C
52 B盘腿而坐
53 B甚至,更加
54 D欣赏,这个admire用得非常妙哉
55 B夜晚,从山上往下看,山谷里的城市应该是笼罩在灰幕中的

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