
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:32:03


Calling A Stag A Horse
After the death of Qin Shihuang,Zhao Gao helped Hu Hai ascend to the throne and took the imperial name of Qin Ershi (the second emperor of Qin).Zhao Gao became prime minister,and was in reality the authority behind the Qin court,but he was not content.With great ambition,he sought to depose Qin Ershi and make himself emperor.But he was afraid that the other ministers would oppose him and thought up a way to test them.
One day he brought in a stag to the court to present to Qin Ershi.In front of all the civil and military officials he pointed to the stag,saying:“This is a fine steed that I would like to present to Your Majesty.”
Qin Ershi said:“Prime Minister,you are mistaken.How can you call a stag a horse?” Zhao Gao said:“Your Majesty,this is most definitely a horse.If you don’t believe me,let us ask the other ministers for verification.”
The ministers feared the sinister Zhao Gao for his power and influence.Some of the ministers did not dare to speak out but bowed their heads.Those who wanted to fawn on Zhao Gao said:“This is definitely a fine horse.” Those who were upright and honored the truth said:“This is indeed a stag.How can you call a stag a horse?”
After this incident,Zhao Gao leveled every kind of false accusation against the honest officials,and had them executed one by one.
This story gave rise to the idiom “Calling A Stag A Horse”.It means intentionally to invert black and white and mix up truth and falsehood.