英语作文 父母与老人(爷爷,奶奶,外公外婆)同居的利与弊

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英语作文 父母与老人(爷爷,奶奶,外公外婆)同居的利与弊
英语作文 父母与老人(爷爷,奶奶,外公外婆)同居的利与弊

英语作文 父母与老人(爷爷,奶奶,外公外婆)同居的利与弊
Nowadays many adults prefer to live with their parents,which sparks a discussion on whether the advantage outweigh the disadvantage.
Initially,it is always warm and delightful to live with the old as a big family.You can share all the happiness with each other.Besides,it is undeniable that living with the old can bring about a lot of convenience.They would be helpful in taking care of the children as well as the house when the parents are busy with work.And one more thing,it would also be convenient to the old people if they live with their children in that they can be better taken care of as well.
Nevertheless,friction is also unavoidable sometimes.For example,the fact that old people are used to get up early in the morning may interrupt the other family members' normal schedule.In addition,the difference in age may lead to the difference in opinions and decisions which has negative effect on the family relationship.
Personally speaking,if the parents and grandparents could successfully deal with the diffence in matters such as personal's point of view as well as personal private space,they shall live together in great harmony and happiness.

英语作文 父母与老人(爷爷,奶奶,外公外婆)同居的利与弊 请问英文翻译“外公”“外婆”是什么?英语如何将它们与“爷爷那,奶奶”区分 作文,一共三篇1、帮助父母照顾一天老人(爷爷,奶奶或外公,外婆,概括地写出老人过去的经历的你的所思所想).2、给父母“当家”一天(负责安排和完成家庭一天的卫生、伙食、买菜等任务 英语中表达要区分奶奶和外婆(同理爷爷和外公)时,如何表达? 英语中 外婆和奶奶 爷爷和外公有什么区分 关与一个家庭成员的英语单词爸爸 妈妈 爷爷 奶奶 外公 外婆的英语单词 爷爷、外公用英语怎么说 爷爷,外公英语怎么写 爷爷、奶奶的英语 英语小作文 家庭描写写我的家庭 家庭成员有两个姐姐 爸爸和妈妈 外婆和外公 姥姥 奶奶和爷爷 还有我不要复制50字以上 要翻译 搜集日常生活作文素材 例子,大概就这么写,一句话:祖辈的事:奶奶吃斋求佛保佑一家平安的虔诚态度爷爷修油纸伞寄托对奶奶的深深怀念外婆照料中风的外公喂饭时的感人镜头父母的事: 那些是你父母和爷爷、奶奶吗? 用英语怎么说求大神帮助 英语中怎么分辨哥哥弟弟姐姐妹妹英语是一种糊涂语言,姐姐妹妹分不清,哥哥弟弟分不清,爷爷外公分不清,奶奶外婆分不清,叔叔舅舅分不清. 一段简要介绍求大神翻译成英语,谢谢!我的大家庭有我父亲,母亲和我.另外还有爷爷,奶奶,外公,外婆,3个叔叔,1个姑妈,4个舅舅,3个阿姨,6个表兄弟,3个表姐,3个外甥女,1个侄女,1个侄子.我的父母 简单的中文和英文的称呼问题!爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆英文各怎么说?祖父、祖母是指爷爷、奶奶还是外公、外婆? 帮父母照顾一天老人作文帮助父母照顾一天老人(爷爷奶奶或外公外婆,概括写出老人过去的经历和你的所思所想) 400字左右 帮帮忙 写的好追加50分 关于显性基因和隐性基因的如果父母双方都无A显性基因,爷爷有A显性基因,奶奶无,外婆外公都无,那孩子会不会有A基因? 民国时期的称呼求爷爷,奶奶,父母,外公外婆,姑姑婶婶,叔叔伯伯的称呼有多少写多少 最好标上地区和种族 (不知道的话就不用标了) 晚辈不甚感激 另外 我没多少了