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仪式而达成,神话流露了他们对超自然力的信念.但是在较高的层面上,希腊文学中的神话也传达了另一种讯息:这种对超自然力量的崇拜被升华为一种道德信念及伦理秩序.为了祭祀天神宙斯,从公元前776年起,每4年举行一次全希腊城邦都参加奥林匹克体育竞技和文化表演.众所周知,巴特农神殿(nle PanIl即伽)是雅典 (Athe璐)的象征,它是公元前,世纪古希腊建筑和雕塑的典范,它的艺术成就概括了一代文化的结晶.从神话渊源来看,巴特农神殿是献给雅典娜(At}l舳a)的.她是希腊神话中的智慧和技艺女神(G0dd鹧s of wisd锄锄d c献s),也是雅典的保护神(№G0ddess).从宗教渊源来看,巴 特农神殿反映了泛神论(P肌tIIei锄),即非基督教(删咖)的观念形态;与此相对立的,则 是兹后发展起来的一神论(mono凼eilll),包括犹太教(Judaism)、基督教(Cllristi锄ity).希腊神话在西方社会流传极广,影响深远,渗透到在艺术方面,希腊神话入画及雕塑的故事不胜枚举.文艺复兴时期拉斐尔(R印hael)、米开朗琪罗(Michekgelo)、达•芬奇(I脚眦Ido davinci)等大师运用神话主题作的画已经成为不朽巨作和人类文化的宝贵财富.由此可见,希腊神话在西方社会各个领域的影响是不可漠视的.不了解希腊神话,就会失去欣赏和了解西方文化的机缘.而对于英语学习者来说,不仅是要学习语言知识点,更要学习相关的英语文化背景知识.只有这样,才能学好外语,进行跨文化交际.

Greek mythology to religion, art influence of Greek mythology is constitutes an important basis of Greek religious, also showed its important characteristics. The ancient greeks believe grain harvest, progeny wishes, can borrow to god, wine such as the valley of worship god
Rituals, myth shows they agreed to super forces of faith. But at a higher level, the Greek literature of myth also conveys the message that this kind of another kind of supernatural worship of is sublimated into a kind of moral belief and ethical order. To sacrifice to god Zeus, from 776 BC onwards, once every four years the Greek city-states were involved in the Olympic sports competition and cultural performances. As is known to all, PanIl namely the Parthenon (nle blessed) is it Athens (Athe symbol of ruby), it is, century BC Greek architecture and sculpture model, it summarizes the artistic achievement of the generation of cultural crystallization. Judging from mythical origins Parthenon, is dedicated to the Athena (At a) Zhou have_to-open l. She is Greek mythology G0dd goddess of wisdom and skill of wisd "s not upgrade (plowshares hoe d c, but also offer s) the patron saint of Athens G0ddess). (№ Judging from the religious roots, house, and farmers reflects pantheism (P tIIei hoe), namely muscles not Christian (delete their ideology; curry) By contrast, is this covenant developed after 凼 monotheistic (mono eilll), including Judaism (Judaism), Christian (Cllristi hoe ity). Greek myths in western society spread very wide and far-reaching influence, permeate Greek mythology in the arts, the story of RuHua and sculpture to enumerate. The Renaissance raffaele (R), printed hael Michekgelo), Michelangelo (Da Vinci, (I) Ido davinci feet angular using mythological themes of master painting has become immortal masterpiece and precious wealth of human culture. Thus, Greek myth in western society all areas of influence is we cannot ignore. Don't know Greek myth, will lose the appreciation and the chance to understand western culture. And for English learners, is not only to learn language points, more to study related English culture background knowledge. Only in this way can we learn a foreign language well, intercultural communication.
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英语翻译希腊神话对宗教、艺术等方面的影响希腊神话是构成希腊宗教的重要基础,也显示了它的重要特性.古希腊人相信谷物丰收、子孙绵延的愿望,可以借着对谷神、酒神等的崇拜仪式而达 哲学,道德,宗教,艺术对文学的影响?我急用, 希腊神话对英国文学的影响 古埃及宗教观对古埃及艺术的影响及其在艺术上的表现形式 尼罗河与古埃及文明结合古埃及文明的具体成就,论述尼罗河给古埃及文明带来的影响.(国家形成、经济活动、宗教、艺术等方面) 意大利文艺复兴对18世纪英国的影响文学,经济,艺术等方面的影响请主要说明对英国的影响~还有原因 希腊神话与悲剧对西方哲学的影响 英语翻译 宗教对政治的影响是巨大的,这种影响主要有两个重要方面:选举与社会政策立法 宗教对统治的影响 英语翻译希腊神话对英语语言文化的影响.把这句话翻译成英语. 影响中国古代戏曲产生、发展的因素有哪些?(宗教、政治、经济.文化等方面) 《枫桥夜泊》中的晨钟暮鼓是我国哪个宗教的?有什么含义?它对文学艺术,塔寺建筑等方面有什么影响 古希腊与古罗马在文化个性上有什么差异如题最好可以分为几个不同的方面分别阐述一下,比如说艺术,宗教影响以及对战争的态度等等. 宗教,哲学,道德,科学对艺术的作用分别是什么? 希腊神话对英美文化的影响 翻译成英语 宗教对尼采思想的影响 各宗教对人类的影响 文艺复兴,宗教改革对工业革命的影响