讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich) for supper.2.My classmates song and dance very ( )(happy).3.The car is ( )(fill) with some things.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:37:38

讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich) for supper.2.My classmates song and dance very ( )(happy).3.The car is ( )(fill) with some things.
讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich
讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich) for supper.2.My classmates song and dance very ( )(happy).3.The car is ( )(fill) with some things.

讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich) for supper.2.My classmates song and dance very ( )(happy).3.The car is ( )(fill) with some things.
2、修饰song dance这两个动词,所以用副词修饰
3、be filled with是固定搭配,表示 “装满……”


1 sandwiches
2 happily
3 filled
be filled with 固定短语搭配




1 sandwiches
2 happily
3 filled
be filled with 固定短语搭配



sandwiches,happily,filled。。。sandwich为可数名词,而且以ch结尾故加es 2,因为前面的dance是动词,而修饰动词只能用副词,所以是happily 3,有固定短语be filled with

sandwiches,Ch结尾用es,复数. happy,原形,very副词修饰形容词. filled,固定句型


like后跟名词的话只能跟可数名词复数或者不可数名词原形,happy是名词,而题目中要求修饰song和dance两个动词,只能用副词形式所以变y为i加ly.be filled with固定搭配

初一英语,这是作业,一定要讲明原因哦!,速给好评 1. I like ( )(sa初一英语,这是作业,一定要讲明原因哦!,速给好评 1. I like ( )(sandwich) for supper. 2.My classmates song and dance very ( 讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich讲明原因,1.I like ( )(sandwich) for supper.2.My classmates song and dance very ( )(happy).3.The car is ( )(fill) with some things. what kind of films does your sisiter like (see、saw、sees、seeing).讲明原因。 英语:请讲明原因 第五题六题讲明原因 五至九题,讲明原因 1、He is such a man who is always_________ fault with other pople A putting B seeking C finding D looking for2、I really can't understand _____her like thatA you treat B you to treat C why treat D you treating(注意讲明原因~) My grandmother wants__to stay with __these days.()A.us;sheB.us;herCwe;sheD.we;her请讲明原因.还有两题:I don't like the city because there are___cars there.()A.too manyB.too muchC.many tooD.much tooHe usually ___little money for books ev 人教版六年级下典中点 第六课 用所给词的适当形式填空,I --------(not be)at school last Sunday.最好讲明原因 My teacher' s words are——(help) to me.I must thank her.横线上应该填什么?讲明原因 More than one boy _____playing computer games A.like B.likes C.liking D.to like这是一道选择题,麻烦讲下原因.讲明原因 Sa i go no 不同价态(包0价)铁氧化性还原性比较.讲明原因呀. 判断题:纸币具有价值尺度职能.请讲明原因!(50分) 如图 请讲明选择原因 判断奇偶性单调性 讲明原因谢谢 --( )was the film you saw last night? --It was graet! I like it. A,What B,How C,Which D,Where求解释,要求讲明语法知识点,Thank you 1.he will write to you sa soon as he ____ thereA.will get B.to getsC.getsD.getting2.would you like to have another cup of tea.yes,_______A.i would like to B.i would like C.i would love D.i would want3.At the ___(begin) of the class,he told us a funny