谁帮我翻下英文.要准确点的Down everything,always fit you!Ask ourselves why do love you,the original has long been deep love!Give me a chance to prove themselves,not you,really tough day,give me a chance,do not want to see you can only drea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:41:26

谁帮我翻下英文.要准确点的Down everything,always fit you!Ask ourselves why do love you,the original has long been deep love!Give me a chance to prove themselves,not you,really tough day,give me a chance,do not want to see you can only drea
Down everything,always fit you!Ask ourselves why do love you,the original has long been deep love!Give me a chance to prove themselves,not you,really tough day,give me a chance,do not want to see you can only dream,give me a chance,maybe you and me is a very good

谁帮我翻下英文.要准确点的Down everything,always fit you!Ask ourselves why do love you,the original has long been deep love!Give me a chance to prove themselves,not you,really tough day,give me a chance,do not want to see you can only drea

the original has long been deep love! love要加d。has been done,
maybe you and me is a very good 没打完吧,连一个谓语都没得

谁帮我翻下英文.要准确点的Down everything,always fit you!Ask ourselves why do love you,the original has long been deep love!Give me a chance to prove themselves,not you,really tough day,give me a chance,do not want to see you can only drea 帮我把“琴”翻译成最准确的英文 英语翻译帮我准确的翻译成英文. 英语翻译翻译成英文,要准确点的. 英语翻译帮我把下面一句话翻译成英文,“就算我狼狈不堪的跌倒,我也要优雅的站起来”谁的答案才是准确的啊? “夏天的回忆” “回忆夏天” 英文怎么说?请帮我准确翻译成英文 帮我把 “ 死一样的痛过,所以我已麻木不仁”,翻译成英文,.要准确的哦 . 翻译英文名 我想在我手上纹身搞我女朋友英文名子,谁帮我 她名子叫 张翠怡 翻译成英文名要准确的哦 英语翻译让我来背负神的灵魂 帮我翻译成英文的.准确点.起码能让美国人能看懂的. 大家帮我翻译一句话 永远的爱,不离不弃,就是你 翻译成英文 要准确哦 英语翻译,请帮我把这个图片中的英文准确的翻成中文. 没有翅膀,用梦想飞翔帮我翻译成准确的英文! 能否将“利玛窦在明朝”这句话帮我翻译成准确的英文呢? 请你说爱我翻译成英文?要准确的.. 帮我把一段中文翻译成英文(要准确) 帮我把中文地址翻译成英文 准确点 要能 XXX(名字) 安徽省 滁州市 天长市 天康大道西路9号公安局 239300 英语翻译谁帮我把Lan翻译成繁体英文,带点符号的网名? 帮我翻译一下“影像客”要英文的,准确点,我用来做网络宣传名的