英语句子结构疑惑The manager thinks his main duty is to solve problems and difficulties heart and soul his staffs have faced.这句话里面的have faced 到底在句子中做什么成分?说是非谓语嘛又不是,疑惑

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:08:35

英语句子结构疑惑The manager thinks his main duty is to solve problems and difficulties heart and soul his staffs have faced.这句话里面的have faced 到底在句子中做什么成分?说是非谓语嘛又不是,疑惑
The manager thinks his main duty is to solve problems and difficulties heart and soul his staffs have faced.
这句话里面的have faced 到底在句子中做什么成分?

英语句子结构疑惑The manager thinks his main duty is to solve problems and difficulties heart and soul his staffs have faced.这句话里面的have faced 到底在句子中做什么成分?说是非谓语嘛又不是,疑惑
简化一下这个句子你就能看懂了,and difficulties是并列词,heart and soul是一个副词短语,分析的时候可删掉,his前面省略了形容problems and difficulties的that,这句话可以读作:The manager thinks his main duty is to solve problems that his staffs have faced.是不是容易多了,然后你再把省略的部分加上去,就能理解了

定语,his staffs前面省略了that或者which,修饰difficulties,面临的困难。

his staffs have faced是 problems and difficulties 的定语从句,省略了that, heart and soul 全心全意地,修饰solve

这里面的his staffs have faced是作表语修饰前面的 problems and difficulties heart and soul (身提和心灵所遭到的问题和困难)。这句话可以译为:经理认为他的主要职责是解决员工身心所遇到的问题和困难。

have faced作定语从句(that) his staffs have faced.的谓语。
(定语从句的先行词为problems and difficulties )

英语句子结构疑惑The manager thinks his main duty is to solve problems and difficulties heart and soul his staffs have faced.这句话里面的have faced 到底在句子中做什么成分?说是非谓语嘛又不是,疑惑 英语:the sales manager是什么意思? 转述这个英语句子.please call the managerplease call the manager怎么转述 help please!英语句子翻译The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she arrives.is supposed to 应该理解为什么....为什么用被动结构呢?谢谢大家了..... 帮忙分析一下下面这句英语句子的语法结构Note that reporting to the business manager are all the functions that would be found necessary in a separate company 英语句子的一个细节问题.Every day the manager has to account to chairman for how he spends the company's money.其中用“for是什么语法结构? 英语句子结构疑惑There he is a regular customer.这个句子怎么分析结构?尤其是这个he ,放在there和is中间是啥用法 Do you think the manager will agree? 问句子结构和语法?Do you think the manager will agree?请问这句句子是从句吗?从句要有关联词链接,这里省略了关联词吗?do you think that the manager will agree 最好能给我说一 英语学霸看过来!1.Have you done anything to deal with problem?The manager asked me.(合并句子)The manager asked me___I____done something to deal with the problem. 英语句子结构分析 a solution to the problem 什么是英语句子结构 英语句子结构划分 英语中的句子结构 英语句子结构分析 什么是主系表结构 英语句子结构 英语句子结构分析 什么是主系表结构 英语句子结构 The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers was leaving. 分析句子的结构成分that 在句子里引导什么句子,做什么成分to hear做什么成分 The directors appointed John manager.manager.充当什么成分?为什么?这个句子和双宾成分的句子如何区The directors appointed John manager.manager.充当什么成分?为什么?如果不是直接宾语,这个句子和刚才那两个 英语句子结构分析疑惑What shall I do if i I want to keep it a little longer.1,请分析句子结构?2,What shall I do 是一个什么从句吧?what做什么成分?