该用来举例子的英语长句是否正确?「In order to justify the view I have mentioned above,I can come up with no better illustration than the example below:people in mounting numbers are wasting food,on the contrary,a sea of people have b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 18:52:42

该用来举例子的英语长句是否正确?「In order to justify the view I have mentioned above,I can come up with no better illustration than the example below:people in mounting numbers are wasting food,on the contrary,a sea of people have b
「In order to justify the view I have mentioned above,I can come up with no better illustration than the example below:people in mounting numbers are wasting food,on the contrary,a sea of people have been died for hungry.」请问高手们,这个用来做举例子用的句子是否正确?其中on the contrary插入是否正确?如果有误敬请帮助修改.

该用来举例子的英语长句是否正确?「In order to justify the view I have mentioned above,I can come up with no better illustration than the example below:people in mounting numbers are wasting food,on the contrary,a sea of people have b
1. have died of hunger (完成式have died, hunger名词)
不过我觉得你这句用are dying of hunger最好.
2. 如楼上说的 这里用while (或者whereas, 更强烈一点) 比on the contrary 或 in contrast 都要来得合适.(我没有把握一定只能这样) (用while 或whereas的话後面不用跟逗号)
另外 一个小小的叮咛:
on the contrary, in contrast 还有however 都不能拿来连接两个完整的句子,所以你可以把前後两句分开 或者是用分号: (我们中文里面没有这个规则 也很少用分号)
People in mounting numbers are wasting food; on the contrary,a sea of people are dying of hunger.

On the contrary 用在这里感觉有点奇怪,换成while或者in contrast就好。建议修改如下:

In order to justify the view I have mentioned above I can come up with no better illustration than the example below:people in mounting numbers are wasting food,in contrast, millions have died of hunger.」

正确,表示转折,等于in another hand请问:(1)虽然表示转折。on the contrary前后这样两个独立意思的句子,可以因为插入语这样介入后,就放在一个句子里去表对比了吗?(2)如果为了表示顺承,把on the contrary 替换成 as a consequence可以吗?我认为,用however也行啊 我认为不是顺承关系,是表示转折...


正确,表示转折,等于in another hand


on the contrary 正相反 浪费食物的反面是不浪费吧

该用来举例子的英语长句是否正确?「In order to justify the view I have mentioned above,I can come up with no better illustration than the example below:people in mounting numbers are wasting food,on the contrary,a sea of people have b 举例子的英语 英语长句分析But soon this will change,ultimately resulting in the visitor feeling that this man’s能帮我分析该长句的结构吗? 在交通工具前哪些用in,哪些用on?(英语)这些到底该怎么记 这些用法是怎么规定的?再举几个例子 英语的语法,句型该如何去背?(具体一下,最好举个例子.) 一般来说,在写作中,倒叙的手法因该如何正确使用,举个例子,Thank you 什么是英语的长句短句? 英语明信片写法!举例子!各种的! 英语长句重读哪些部分有没有一般规律?举 里一个简单的句子Jane was already so much recovered as to intend leaving her room for a couple of hours that evening.请问这句轻重缓急该怎么读? 用刻舟求剑造句英文的哦!正确的。举例子。 举例子:一个名人失败很多次后最终取得成功我用来写英语作文 ,用来说明失败乃成功之母.需要有代表性的例子,要概括内容不要全部复制的. 英语的名词 数词 代词举例子百度知道动词 代词 数词 副词 形容词 介词的例子.要正确的.仔细的.我英语基础不好.昂 质子数=核外电子数=核电荷数是否正确如果不正确.举几个例子. 2.举两个肯定的英语祈使句例子3.举两个否定的英语祈使句例子 《小溪流的歌》读后感该举什么样的例子? 写作文良好的行为习惯举例子该怎么开头? spotlight 含义spotlight 名词是聚光灯的意思,那 in the spotlight 不要翻译成 在【聚光灯下】.该怎么用?举个例子.还有当动词的时候该怎么用.举个例子. 能举一下例子,化学反应中哪些是纯固体,纯液体,为什么不能用来表示该反应速率