
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:20:53


【摘要】辅导学困生,是提高教学质量的保证,是每位教育工作者共同的责任,要有针对性的进行辅导,教师要以心换心,用宽容和赞赏,保护好学困生的信心,激发学习兴趣,加强学法指导,让他们养成良好的学习学习惯,才有可能从根本上改变学困生.【关键词】辅导学困生;宽容和赞赏;保护信心;学法指导How to counseling targeted students with learning difficultiesChen Chun mian【Abstract】Counseling students with learning difficulties,is to improve the teaching quality assurance,is the common responsibility of every educator,should be targeted for counseling,teachers have to their hearts with tolerance and appreciation for the protection of poor students eager to learn Confidence and stimulate interest in learning,strengthening of Learning,so that they learn to develop good study habits,have the potential to radically change the poor students.【Key words】Counseling students with learning difficulties; Tolerance and appreciation; Protection of confidence; Study method“学困生”在学校通常的表现是:贪玩、厌学、压抑或过于活泼,调皮捣蛋又屡教不改,自控能力差,知识贫乏,学习成绩不尽人意……给班级的管理带来一定的难度.(剩余2099字)