
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 03:29:17


A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river.In the boat,his sword fell into the water.Immediately he made a mark on the boat.
"This is where my sword fell off," he said.
When the boat stopped moving,he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat.
The boat had moved but the sword had not.Is this not a very foolish way to look for a sword?

Long, long ago, in Chunqu Dynasty of ancient China, a man from Chu state dropped his beautiful well-set sword into the water because of the sh...


Long, long ago, in Chunqu Dynasty of ancient China, a man from Chu state dropped his beautiful well-set sword into the water because of the shake from the boat while he was in the middle of the river ."Oh, God." He cried in dear pity. "What can I do ?" On hearing that, the boatman replied calmly "It doesn't matter. I'm coming to dive for it." But the man from Chu hesitated for a while and said "We can't do that because the water is rapid and deep. But I have a marvelous idea." With these words, he took out his knife and made a mark on one side of the boat where his sword was dropped. "Well, everything is done! " When the boat stopped at the opposite bank, the man undressed himself immediately and dove into the water for his sword from the very place where he had made the mark. Of course, he got nothing. Finally he appeared in the water and murmured: "What's happening? why can't I find my sword from the water just under the mark? " Laughter burst from the passengers.
Well, let's end the story with the conclusion: Man should not stick stubbornly to his own opinion, instead he should make changes according to specific conditions.


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