这句话是从句吗?那结构是怎样的?They'd had to wait about 45 minutes after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.a cab ride to the suburbs 中没有从句吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 02:48:27

这句话是从句吗?那结构是怎样的?They'd had to wait about 45 minutes after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.a cab ride to the suburbs 中没有从句吗?
They'd had to wait about 45 minutes after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.
a cab ride to the suburbs 中没有从句吗?

这句话是从句吗?那结构是怎样的?They'd had to wait about 45 minutes after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.a cab ride to the suburbs 中没有从句吗?
球赛后他们须等约45分钟,才能搭上出租车去郊区.主语是They谓语wait时间状语45minutes和after the end of the game 目的状语to get a cab ride to the suburbs

这句不是复合句所以没有从句,They是主语, 'd had to wait是不及物动词作谓语 about 45 minutes 是状语after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.是介词短语作时间状语.

这句话是从句吗?那结构是怎样的?They'd had to wait about 45 minutes after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs.a cab ride to the suburbs 中没有从句吗? They came that close to killing me.请分析一下这句话的结构,是从句吗?是什么从句呀?如果是宾语从句的话,THAT不是不能做宾从的主语吗? “how important is keeping healthy to you”是定语从句吗?是的话那它的结构是怎样? Ross and Rachel left us a mesagge saying they were getting married.这个句子的结构是怎样的.they were getting married为何要用过去进行时呢?saying they were getting married.这部分是从句吗? 1.请问名词性从句包含补语从句吗?有人说英语只有主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句而没有补语从句,疑惑.2.如果有那引导词和结构又是怎样的?3.请帮忙分析下面的句子结构:We hv en looks like they really like water这句话 结构怎样分析 前面的looks like是it looks like that的省略吗, How do they feel?阿甘正传上,给阿甘装腿箍的医生问“阿甘”感觉怎么样,为什么用they呢?这句话的语法结构是怎样的? Were battle and war all they were familiar with?这句话的结构是怎样的?变成陈述句是怎样的? 那么宾语从句一般是由怎样的结构 英语翻译这句话的结构又是怎样的? They were in the position that ought to contribute much to society这句话that引导的是定语从句吗?position在从句中担任什么成分? so引导的倒装so they tell me 是倒装句么那这句话应该怎样理解呢 they haven't decided to when they will start. 这句话是一个宾语从句,有错吗, the question is whether they will come.这句话是名词性从句的表语从句还是宾语从句?或是别的句型? How I wondered where they'd gone 这句话是感叹句吗,有关于这种结构的详细资料吗? i live where there are mountains.这句话是where引导的状语从句,那也是宾语从句吧? 这句话是什么从句,结构是什么样的?Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark. 请高手分析下这句话的结构``我知道意思``但不知道他的组成啊they are going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different places 这里的 in which 是 where的意思吗?这是个定语从句 还是 其他什