go about 的用法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:00:20

go about 的用法
go about 的用法

go about 的用法
go about
You are not going about it correctly.你干这件事做得不对.
I must go about my business.我必须忙我自己的事.
The tourists went about London freely.游客们在伦敦四处自由游览.
The rumour is going about that John and Mary are getting married.
Some people go about telling untrue stories.某些人到处传播不真实的事.
5.和…相好;和…混在一起(常与 with连用):
He always goes about with his children.他总是与他的孩子们混在一起.
go about
begin to deal with

go about doing sth !!!介词短语后面跟Ving!

go about : start ( something or doing something)开始
How do you go about building a boat?

go about
1.move freely(四处)自由走动
*People are going about more now that the weather's better.天气转好,人们四处走动的更多了。
*Teenage boys tend to go about in groups.十几岁的男孩喜欢成群结伙地四处闲逛。
*It is dangerou...


go about
1.move freely(四处)自由走动
*People are going about more now that the weather's better.天气转好,人们四处走动的更多了。
*Teenage boys tend to go about in groups.十几岁的男孩喜欢成群结伙地四处闲逛。
*It is dangerous to go about on the construction site without a safety helmet.不戴安全帽在工地上走来走去是危险的。
2.circulate;go around;spread流传;四处传播(谣言、消息等)
*The story may not be true,but it is going about all the same.故事可能不真实,但照样四处流传。
*There is another rumour going about that the President will resign soon.还有一条传闻说,总统不久就要辞职。
*There are whispers going about the city that the Bank is to raise its interest.城里流传说银行要提高利率。
3.be busy with;be occupied with;keep working on 忙于
*The children are going about their homework very seriously tonitht.孩子们今晚忙着认真地做作业。
*Go about your businss.去忙你自己的事吧。
*The best cure for grief is to go about your usual work.消除悲伤的最好办法是做你通常做的事。
4.tackle;make a start at交涉;对付;着手处理
*Can you help me with this problem?I don't quite know how to go about it.你能帮我解决这个问题吗?我不太清楚如何处理。
*I'm afraid you're not going about it the right way.你这样做恐怕方法不对。
*He will go about it with his whole heart.他将全心全意地从事这项工作。
*We must go about our work or we'll fall behind the schedule.我们必须着手这项工作,否则就完不成预定的计划了。
5.keep company for friendship or for courting 来往密切;恋爱
*How long have Eric and Hilda been going about with each other?埃里克和希尔妲恋爱多久了?
*He goes about with a group of nice boys.他常和一群好孩子在一起玩。
*That pretty girl is about with a man who is old enough to be her father.那位漂亮的姑娘正同一个年纪大得足以做她父亲的人来往很密切。
6.(ship)change direction(船)改变航向;掉转方向
*As soon as the captain heard the cry “Man overboard”,he ordered the ship to go about and search for the missing man.船长一听到“有人落水”的喊声,就命令掉转船头寻找失踪的人。
