
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 21:29:59


A war is a state of open,armed,often prolonged conflict carried on between nations,states,or parties.Every war has its reasons weather it be a good and acceptable reason or a bad reason.If people are going to be killed and the country itself be damaged because of the war,people will want to hear a reason.Some wars are inevitable and some are not.It all depends on its cause.The American Civil War is thought to be an inevitable war.Many are convinced that there was no other way to solve the tension between the North and the South.The difference in thinking of slavery of both sides was one of the reasons for the build up of the tension between the two sides but it was not the only reason as some may think.Economical differences and political differences also led to the tension between the two sided which resulted in a war.The war was considered inevitable because the South would not give up slavery,and the North would not let the South separate from the Union.
The part slavery had on the Civil War cannot be ignored but it should not be responsible for the main cause.It was the difference in the North and the South that slavery created which led to the war.Slavery led to economic differences.In the South,slavery became a way of life.It was a large part of their society.Because they were farmers,they needed many workers to plant and gather.The South thought that if slavery was to be abolished,than their economy would fall because there would be no workers.In the North,slavery was not needed as much.The northern part of the US was mostly manufacturers.They hired workers instead of buying slaves.The South justified slavery by saying that slavery was in the bible and that slaves were treated better than the workers at factories in the North.Slavery also led to other differences.Because of slavery,different religion formed.In the North,Methodist Episcopal Church and the Quakers of Pennsylvania emerged.They were all clearly opposed to slavery and the South.In the South,the Baptists and the Presbyterians became the form of Christianity which supported the southern beliefs.All these churches were Christian and the only difference between them where their thoughts on slavery.Political differences also arose because of slavery.Because there were two different societies formed from slavery,each side required its own political support.This was how difference parties emerged.The South needed political parties that supported slavery.
Power was one of the causes of the tension between the two sides.By 1850,only a third of the US population lived in the South and more states were becoming non-slave states.The South was loosing its power in the government and no longer had an effective voice.After Abraham Lincoln,a republican who was determined to keep slavery from spreading,was elected,South Carolina seceded from the Union.The rest of the South followed.The tension between the two sides grew and a little miscommunication sparked the war.
The American Civil War was considered inevitable because it could not have been stopped.The way to avoid the war was to abolish slavery but that was not going to happen.The South needed the slaves and it became a crucial part of their society.Another way the war could have been avoided was if the North just allowed the South to separate without any trouble or if the South didnбпt separate from the North.Either of them could not have happened.The North did not want the South to separate because it would hurt both sides in the end.Abraham Lincoln stated,“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” They both relied on each other for materials for manufacturing and protections.The North was willing to kill many people for the good of the whole country.After the South did not want to stay with the North and did not want to abolish slavery,a war was inevitable.The North had to do something even if that meant killing others.
Slavery,which was an issue throughout American History,was still the problem during the American Civil war.If the problem of slavery was solved many years before the civil War and not left for the later generations,than there might not have been a war in the first place.Some might say that the American Civil War could have been avoided but with a lot of time and compromises.However,this is too risky.By giving a lot of time to resolve the conflict,the conflict itself might get worse.The country might slowly start to fall apart because they are not agreeing with each other.This is the case today with the war on Iraq.The war we are in probably could have been avoided if the US waited and tried to compromise with Saddam.The US saw this too risky.It might give Saddam time to plan an attack on the US or other countries around them.Al in all,the Civil War was the right thing to do.The country is together,united and working well today.