选择题:She took the medicine ___she didn't like it.为什么选though ,我选as,as不对的原因是什么?求懂的人解答,谢谢.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:30:53

选择题:She took the medicine ___she didn't like it.为什么选though ,我选as,as不对的原因是什么?求懂的人解答,谢谢.
选择题:She took the medicine ___she didn't like it.为什么选though ,我选as,as不对的原因是什么?

选择题:She took the medicine ___she didn't like it.为什么选though ,我选as,as不对的原因是什么?求懂的人解答,谢谢.
如:Hard as she worked,she didn't pass the exam.



选择题After the accident it took a long time before she had the _______ to get back in a car again1 time 2 confidence3 opportunity 4 ability 选择题:She took the medicine ___she didn't like it.为什么选though ,我选as,as不对的原因是什么?求懂的人解答,谢谢. She went out and left her little brother________.这是一道英语选择题,A.by himselfB.by herselfC.himselfD.herself还有一题,呵呵The baby is crying ,please_____.A.look it after for meB.look after it for meC.look it for after meD.look after m Then she took away the blanket这句话的意思 she took out ( )schoolbooks to read during the trip she took a sip of the cocktail是什么意思 she tooK a magic medicine and f|ewtoshe tooK a magic medicine and f|ewto the 一道英语选择题 急求whyMary got a cold and ____ after she took the medicine.A.felt asleep B.felt sleepingC.fell asleep D.fell sleeping为什么不选A而选C She took me back She could be there,if she took the right flights that would get her there quickly. 英语题选择题) 9. We photos in the park yesterday. A.take B.took C. taking So she took the child by the hand and led him into the store she took the wallet away from the table 对the table 划线提问,速 she took the wallet away from the table 、?对the table 划线提问 She took the wallt auay from the table .对“the”table 怎么提问? life is a box of chocalate and god is a girl,god took the chocalate and she took my life. Lily took lots of photos yesterday when she was in the park.为什么用took,求详细理由,要正确、 help_answer the questions.a:ib:myc:med:your