Hashtable 与 Dictionary 哪个更快?用哪个?

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Hashtable 与 Dictionary 哪个更快?用哪个?
Hashtable 与 Dictionary 哪个更快?用哪个?

Hashtable 与 Dictionary 哪个更快?用哪个?
System.Collections.Hashtable(注意 t 小写)与 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary 功能相同,但是 Hashtable 元素是 Object 类型的,Dictionary 是泛类型的,即 Dictionary 可指定特定的数据类型.

HashMap与HashTable的区别玩玩,面试必考问题. 请教高手Hashtable、HashMap、HashSet的用法与区别? Hashtable 与 Dictionary 哪个更快?用哪个? Hashtable 与 Dictionary 哪个更快?用哪个? ■■Hashtable.Synchronized是啥意思啊?Hashtable parmCache = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());这个跟Hashtable parmCache=new Hashtable() 有啥区别? HashMap和Hashtable的区别 ArrayList和LinkedList的区别HashMap和Hashtable的区别 2,ArrayList和Vector的区别,HashMap和Hashtable的区别 The import java.util.Hashtable conflicts with a type defined in the same file如题 C# Dictionary和hashtable的问题这两者有什么区别我发现哈希表不可以遍历keys,而dictionary却可以. 什么规律输出的,看不懂结果static void Main(string[] args){Hashtable htb = new Hashtable();htb[Jim] = 94;htb[Cindy] =88;htb[Mike] = 90;htb[Kate] = 85;foreach (DictionaryEntry item in htb){Console.WriteLine(item .Key + +item .Value c# HashTable和Dictionary的区别?最好多聊聊哈希表的特殊之处,和哈希表的感念!HashTable是Dictionary的子类是么?我调试一下感觉一样啊!可是我为Dictionary赋值的时候也可以赋几组键值对啊,不一定就是 Dictionary Dictionary _dic = new Dictionary();Hashtable _ht = new Hashtable();while (_dr.Read()){_ht.Clear();for (int i = 0; i < _dr.FieldCount; i++){_ht.Add(_dr.GetName(i),_dr[i]);}_dic.Add(_i,_ht);_i++;}我原本是想循环记录集并将其添加 麻烦用中文告诉我这些单词怎么读 谢谢Integer String StringBuffer init service destroy ArrayList Vector LinkedList synchronized Collection Collections HashMap Hashtable final finally finalize Overload Override Overr 英语语法:Looking up all the new words in the dictionary took him a lot of time.正在学语法,例句上说ing形式做主语,这里的ing形式有可能是一个词,也有可能是一个短语?就像Looking up all the new words in the dictiona The editors of the edition of the Oxford dictionary have included it as a verb.It means to search something on the Internet.This makes some words like google me part of the English laguage.Google is now a part of the English language.The dictiona 高一定语从句,4道选择题,在线求帮助.he is a man of great knowledge,__much can be learned.a.in hom .b.about whom .c.from whom. d .of whom.先行词是PERSON,用介词+WHOM.以上都是此形式,为什么选D呢?please pass me the dictiona 在C#语言中,以下关于集合的说法错误的是A.ArrayList 只能通过索引来访问和删除值B.HashTable可以直接通过键名来获取值C.使用List添加、读取元素时,不需要拆箱和装箱,这一点和ArrayList相同D