挥动手臂是with the hands waved还是with the hands waving

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 21:40:50

挥动手臂是with the hands waved还是with the hands waving
挥动手臂是with the hands waved还是with the hands waving

挥动手臂是with the hands waved还是with the hands waving
with the hands waving

wave 既可以及物,也可不及物
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with the hands waving

挥动手臂是with the hands waved还是with the hands waving 关于声音的物理知识有人说,手臂快速挥动时,听不到声音,那么我快速挥动手臂,可以听到风声,这是手臂挥动带动的空气振动产生的声音吗?我搞不懂, 你的手臂前后挥动时是声源吗?如果是,为什么听不到 人挥动手臂发出的是次声波, 挥动手臂我们为什么听不见声音? 一个人使劲地上下挥动手臂,让手臂振动,为什么旁人听不到手臂振动的声音? 把手放在背后是用 with both hands behind the back还是with both hands behind his back 人能听到鼓面敲击后发出的声音,而听不到手臂挥动发出的声音,这是因为?选项:A 人手臂上下挥动的频率太低B 人手臂上下挥动的振幅太小C 人手臂上下挥动不是振动D 人手臂不是发声的物体 wash your hands with the sunglasses?意思 下列事物中不属于声源的是( ) A.挥动的手臂; B.挂在胸前的哨子 C.在夜里飞行的蝙蝠D声纳探测敌方潜艇 为什么挥动的手臂不算是发声体?不是说物体只要振动就能发出声音吗?是在有介质的环境下。 The English hardly ever shake hands with others The English____ _____ shake hands with others the boy ____is tom'sbrother a i shook hands with him b i shook hands with c i shook hands [物理]一个人使劲地上下挥动手臂,为什么听不见声音?一个人使劲地上下挥动手臂,为什么听不见声音?试说明理由. The little girls were playing with snow with their hands frozen red句中,red是作什么成分? cry with the hands on the stomach什么意思 The man was brought in with his hands tied back (补充单词)wash your dirty hands with the s