
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:52:25


(Spring Festival couplet Spring Festival couplets and the name "who", "spring post", it is a kind of couplet of, because in the Spring Festival when Posting, friend name. Spring is a source TaoFu. Initially, people with peach wooden door to ward off evil spirits humanoid hanging in painting, later on, like in peachwood shot-stopper again simplified as in peachwood board inscribed keeper name. Spring Festival couplets another source is spring posts. The ancients in spring day post more "yichun" 2 words, after increasing development for Spring Festival couplets. The Ming dynasty, the Spring Festival couplets real popularization began with zhu yuanzhang's advocate relevant. According to QingRen ChenShang ancient "ornamental hairpin cloud floor ZaShui recorded by zhu yuanzhang, one year is ready to Chinese, ordered every house will stick a spring couplets, to show celebration. The original Spring Festival couplets inscribed in peachwood board, then rewrite on paper. Peach wooden color is red, red has the meaning of auspicious, ward off evil spirits, so couplets mostly with red paper writing. But the temple with yellow paper, ShouZhi (under) with served filial piety white, green and yellow color, with white paper, and the second year green paper, the third year, the fourth yellow paper frugal marketings full resumed with red paper. Because of the manchu qing palace is white, white, blue edge with Spring Festival couplets bag on outside, red stripes brigandine 习俗:贴春联 春联亦名“门对”、“春帖”,是对联的一种,因在春节时张贴,故名.春联的一个源头是桃符.最初人们以桃木刻人形挂在门旁以避邪,后来画门神像于桃木上,再简化为在桃木板上题写门神名字.春联的另一来源是春贴.古人在立春日多贴“宜春”二字,后渐发展为春联.春联真正普及始于明代,与朱元璋的提倡有关.据清人陈尚古的《簪云楼杂说》中记载,有一年朱元璋准备过年时,下令每家门上都要贴一副春联,以示庆贺.原来春联题写在桃木板上,后来改写在纸上.桃木的颜色是红的,红色有吉祥,避邪的意思,因此春联大都用红纸书写.但庙宇用黄纸,守制(服孝未满)用白、绿、黄三色,第一年用白纸,第二年绿纸,第三年黄纸,第四年丧服满才恢复用红纸.因满族尚白,清宫廷春联用白纸,蓝边包于外,红条镶于内.
翻译(Spring Festival couplet Spring Festival couplets and the name "who", "spring post", it is a kind of couplet of, because in the Spring Festival when Posting, friend name. Spring is a source TaoFu. Initially, people with peach wooden door to ward off evil spirits humanoid hanging in painting, later on, like in peachwood shot-stopper again simplified as in peachwood board inscribed keeper name. Spring Festival couplets another source is spring posts. The ancients in spring day post more "yichun" 2 words, after increasing development for Spring Festival couplets. The Ming dynasty, the Spring Festival couplets real popularization began with zhu yuanzhang's advocate relevant. According to QingRen ChenShang ancient "ornamental hairpin cloud floor ZaShui recorded by zhu yuanzhang, one year is ready to Chinese, ordered every house will stick a spring couplets, to show celebration. The original Spring Festival couplets inscribed in peachwood board, then rewrite on paper. Peach wooden color is red, red has the meaning of auspicious, ward off evil spirits, so couplets mostly with red paper writing. But the temple with yellow paper, ShouZhi (under) with served filial piety white, green and yellow color, with white paper, and the second year green paper, the third year, the fourth yellow paper frugal marketings full resumed with red paper. Because of the manchu qing palace is white, white, blue edge with Spring Festival couplets bag on outside, red stripes brigandine within. )
翻译(In sixeable guanzhong area folk stories over the Spring Festival, the magical legend.
Legend, jade emperor to step down to the earth, the earth would send chaotian pleasure. This thing is Buddha knew, thought, I counted the Lord Buddha miles, why don't allow me to go? Then, just find the jade emperor logic, jade emperor heard, WuYanKeDui, had to say: "to discuss to say again." Through discuss loophole in the jade emperor will want a clearance square son.
He invited pleasure and Buddha, sending two potted flower placed second Buddha in front, said: "the two potted flower you two each service a bowl, whose flowers start, who himself to manage the earth." Buddha mind more, idea viscous, know the jade emperor must turn to pleasure, because he guessed the jade emperor afraid of export of said difficult to accept, declarations flowers for an excuse to do it. Before the two potted flower, lest the jade emperor already secret made arrangements, hence also come up with a small gauge. He borrowed close eye shane chance of pleasure, quietly put two potted flower changed a position. The next day, the Buddha flower is opened, and therefore the earth, pleasure; the day is a day of the first month. Legend pleasure, a good heart his day let people eat good wear good sleep well, so the first month of the people were overjoyed with joy, a day. Later, people to commemorate the pleasure, take this spring, two Buddha handover moment called "Spring Festival". Someone says, because had left for Buddha sameness flowerpot blind blind phenomenon, until now, earth and petty things miles. )