有没有ones of 这个词组

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:59:01

有没有ones of 这个词组
有没有ones of 这个词组

有没有ones of 这个词组
有one 和ones
one 2
/ wʌn; wʌn/ indef pron
1 (used as the object of a v or prep to avoid a and the repetition of a n 用作动词或介词的宾语以免重复a与名词):
I forgot to bring a pen.Can you lend me one?我忘带钢笔了.你借我一枝行吗?(Cf 参看 I can't find the pen I was given.Have you seen it?)
* I haven't got any stamps.Could you give me one?我没有邮票.你能给我一枚吗?
* There have been a lot of accidents in the fog.I read about one this morning.这大雾天已发生了很多事故.今天上午我就看到其中一宗的报道.
2 of (used with a pl n preceded by a det,eg the,my,your,these,etc to indicate a member of a class or group 与带有限定词如the、 my、 your、 these等的复数名词连用,指一类或一组中的一个):
Mr Smith is not one of my customers.史密斯先生不是我的主顾.
* She's knitting a jumper for one of her grandchildren.她正在给一个孙儿织套头毛衣.
* He's staying with one of his friends.他现住在一个朋友家里.(Cf 参看 a friend of his)
* We think of you as one (ie a member) of the family.我们把你当成家里人.
2 one n (never taking main stress 不重读)
1 (used after this,that,which or as a `prop-word' after an adj which cannot stand alone 用於this、 that、 which之后,或用於不能独立使用的形容词之后作‘代词’):
I prefer `that one.我喜欢那个.
* Which ones have you read?你读过的是哪些?
* Your plan is a `good one.你的计画很好.
* I need a `bigger one.我需要一个大的.
* Those shoes are too small.We must buy some `new ones.那些鞋太小了,我们得买几双新的.
* The chance was too good a one to `miss.那机会真好,不容错过.
* Her new car goes faster than her `old one.她的新汽车比旧的那辆跑得快.
2 (used with a group of words that identify the person(s) or thing(s) being considered 与修饰所指的人或事物的词组连用):
Our hotel is the one nearest the beach.我们的旅馆是离海滩最近的一家.
* The boy who threw the stone is the one with curly hair.扔石头的那个男孩子是鬈发的.
* Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class.考试成绩好的都是上课爱提问的学生.
3 (idm 习语) a one (infml 口 esp Brit) (used to show amused surprise at sb's behaviour 用以表示对某人行为感到有趣得出奇):
You asked your teacher how old she was?You are a one!是你问老师她有多少岁的吗?可真有你的!
* He is a one,your son.Never out of trouble!你的儿子真是个活宝.没有一会儿不惹麻烦的!
the one about sb/sth the joke about sb/sth 关於某人[某事物]的笑话:Do you know/Have you heard the one about the bald policeman?你知道[听说过]那个秃头警察的笑话吗?
NOTE ON USAGE 用法:In formal speech or writing the use of the nouns one/ones in senses 1 and 2 is avoided in the following cases 在正式的演说或文章中作1与2义的名词one/ones应避免用於下列情形:
1 After a possessive (eg your,Mary's),unless it is followed by an adjective 在表示属有关系的词(如your、 Mary' s)之后,除非这类词后有形容词:
This is my car and that's my husband's.这是我的汽车,那辆是我丈夫的.
* (with adjective) My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one.(与形容词连用)我的廉价照相机比他昂贵的照相机拍出的照片好.
When two adjectives indicate a contrast 在两个形容词表示对比时:compare British and/with American universities (compare British universities with American ones is less formal) 试比较英国和美国的大学(compare British universities with American ones是较通俗的说法).
After these and those 在these和those之后:Do you prefer these designs or those (more formal than those ones)?你喜欢这些图样还是那些图样(比those ones来得文些)?One/Ones may be used after which,even in formal speech,to distinguish singular from plural 即使在正式的演说中one/ones亦可用於which之后以区分单复数:Here are the designs.Which one(s) do you prefer?ie You can choose one or several of them.这就是那些图样.你喜欢哪一个[些]?(即你可以从中选择一个或几个.)