Ask him how much .A.did it cost B.cost it costed costs

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 07:32:13

Ask him how much .A.did it cost B.cost it costed costs
Ask him how much .A.did it cost B.cost it costed costs

Ask him how much .A.did it cost B.cost it costed costs
D,宾语从句,陈述语气,cost的过去式是 cost


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D it costs


Ask him how much .A.did it cost B.cost it costed costs He has received the money,but I had to ask him how much he received.可以这样说吗:but I had to ask him how much he has recdived.不可以的话,为什么? she couldn't thank him__and asked him how much she owed him.a much b enough c further _______ do you know him _____?----not very well well C.what much -Ask him how much ___A did it cost B costC it costs D it costedcost 不是应该用what提问吗? Doctor wang knows much about it,you can ____ him ____ advice about it.A.ask,about B.ask,for C.tell,about D.want,to tell how much a night? i don't know what is he doing?i don't know where does he live?和i don't know what is he doing?哪句话正确?错误的那句原因是什么?还有一个问题 ask him how much did it cost ask him how much it costs?这两句话那句是正确的? 填空:You ask how much these shoes ______(be). you ask how much th shoes are?这是什么句, How much was the uniform?They______me for $80 A.ask B.asked C.paid D.pay可是答句中有for啊 A father came home from work late ,tired and exhausted .A father came home from work late ,tired and exhausted .His little daughter was waiting for him at the door .Dad ,may l ask you a question the daughter said .Yes ,Honey .what's it How much ( ) 21.When you lose your way in the city ,you can ___ the policemen ___help.A.look; for B.find; out C.ask; for ( ) 22.His sister wants him ___ a key buy C.buys ( ) 23.— How did Susan get so much money?—She ___it ___her best frien 英语翻译And if you,being evil,know how to give good gifts to your children,how much more shall you Heavenly Father which is in heaven,give to those who ask Him? 把下边的英文小故事译中文(准确)A man came home form work late,tired and found his 5 years old son waiting for him at the door.Daddy,may I ask you a questIon Yeah,sure,what is it? replied the man.Daddy,how much do you make an ho how much do you ask for your birds?什么意思ask for 在这里什么意思 请问,how can you ask such a question as “how much do you earn?” of my father?请问,这里为什么用of? how can you ask such a question as how much do you earn?__my father.选to?of?还是for 为什么