英语翻译这个事找来的中文,或是直接给我个关于匡威种类的英文介绍也可以CONVERSE硫化鞋各系列的来由和大概分类特征 ALL STAR系列:这个系列是匡威最古老的系列.是匡威品牌公司1908年成立

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:26:37

英语翻译这个事找来的中文,或是直接给我个关于匡威种类的英文介绍也可以CONVERSE硫化鞋各系列的来由和大概分类特征 ALL STAR系列:这个系列是匡威最古老的系列.是匡威品牌公司1908年成立
或许有其他特别的花纹,低帮通常只有鞋跟底部有各ALL STAR的LOGO.高帮的就是在鞋内侧的脚眼部位印有一个圆圈,
圈内有一颗星的ALL STAR商标.大多采用帆布面料,牛皮面料的款式也有.后跟处写在ALL STAR字样,有低帮、高帮和靴子.
全世界最早的篮球鞋等系列就系ALL STAR.
07年韩国新款匡威ALL STAR帆布鞋
这个系列前身是木村系列的其中之一.CONVERSE公司在2000—2003年期间签约日本影视明星木村拓栽为品牌代言人,当时有好些款色都是以他名字命名的.以后演变出来的叫木村二代、三代等等.直至03年后期才注册为本品牌其中一个系列的商标,05年秋季注册完成.其主要特征就是纯牛皮制作鞋面,两侧只有一颗星星图案,后跟底部有个ONE STAR 字样;只有低帮的款式,鞋带方面有分绑绳和魔术贴(搭扣).
STAR 70系列:
这个系列设计始于70年代,其主要特征在鞋面两侧有星星图按,星星两旁分别有两条斜杠.后跟除了有ALL STAR之外还有些其他的细小英文图案.
CONVERSE经典帆布鞋款之一,因其鞋头的曲形设计而得名“开口笑”.它诞生于20世纪,由当时的羽毛球世界冠军JACK PURCEL按羽毛球、网球等运动的要求,以CONVERSE蓝球鞋为基础改良制做而成,为了纪念他的这一贡献,这款运动鞋便以JACK PURCEL命名.它凭借舒适及耐穿深受运动界的认同,成为当时羽、网职业选手的专用运动鞋.其特征为鞋头处有个凹陷形的条纹,底部是加厚的纯平大底.后跟底部的LOGO是设计师“JACK PURCELL” 的亲笔签名.

英语翻译这个事找来的中文,或是直接给我个关于匡威种类的英文介绍也可以CONVERSE硫化鞋各系列的来由和大概分类特征 ALL STAR系列:这个系列是匡威最古老的系列.是匡威品牌公司1908年成立
Vulcanized shoes CONVERSE The reason behind the series and the rough breakdown of the characteristics of
  ALL STAR Series:
  This collection is the oldest series of Converse.Converse brand is the company since its establishment in 1908,there's a.Characteristics is probably the fabric or leather upper materials may be a net color,
  Perhaps there are other patterns in particular,low-heel help usually only at the bottom of the ALL STAR various LOGO.Is high to help the inside of the shoe to the ankle of the printed parts of a circle,
  Circle there is a star of the ALL STAR trademarks.Most of the use of canvas fabric,leather fabric styles also.Department followed by the words written on the ALL STAR,to help low-and high boots and help.
  The world's first series of basketball shoes on the line ALL STAR.
  South Korea in 2007 the new ALL STAR Converse canvas shoes
  ONE STAR Series:
  This series was formerly one of Kimura series.CONVERSE company contracted during the 2000-2003 Japan Movie Star Kimura planted Billiton spokesperson for the brand,there were a number of colors are named after him.After the evolution from second generation Kimura called and third generations and so on.Until late in 2003 registered a series of brand-based trademarks,registered the completion of the fall of 2005.Its main features is the production of pure leather uppers,only a star pattern on both sides,followed by the bottom there is a ONE STAR words; only low to help the style,shoelaces and绑绳have a magic connection (hasp).
  STAR 70 Series:
  The design of the series started in 70 years,its main features are the stars on both sides of the upper diagram in accordance with the stars on both sides there are two slashes,respectively.ALL STAR followed in addition to in addition to English,some other small logo.
  PRO STAR Series:
  The characteristics of this series is that both sides of the uppers are all the stars plus the arrow symbol,not any heel at the bottom of LOGO,but with the top there is a star with the English CONVERSE.
  CONVERSE Classic canvas shoes,one of the song because of toe design named after the "open laugh." It was born in the 20th century,by the then world champion badminton JACK PURCEL by badminton,tennis and other movement requirements based CONVERSE blue shoes by making improvements,in order to commemorate his contribution to this sports shoes will be JACK PURCEL name.It is comfortable and durable by virtue of sport sector do not agree,as a feather at that time,dedicated network of pro sports shoes.Characterized by toe there is a stripe-shaped depression,at the bottom of the flat screen is large at the end of thickening.LOGO heel at the bottom of the designer "JACK PURCELL" signed.
  SKID GRIP Series:
  Many people in this series is "a pedal" or sailor shoes,derived from its style design crew and sailors of the shoes.

英语翻译这个事找来的中文,或是直接给我个关于匡威种类的英文介绍也可以CONVERSE硫化鞋各系列的来由和大概分类特征 ALL STAR系列:这个系列是匡威最古老的系列.是匡威品牌公司1908年成立 把澎的三撇该成寸 ,有这个字吗?怎么读,或是直接打出来给我, 英语翻译这个、、、、、 هلا 求大神求中文.不要给我弄个翻译器的拜托- - 英语翻译不知道该用那些英语单词或是语句来查找薪酬方面的外文,可以给我提供可以查找的单词或是语句,或是直接外文原文~ 这个字的中文意思或者直接复制给我虎字头和胃 有谁知道专门英文翻译成中文的软件啊,直接发个地址给我 建筑方面的材料英语翻译成中文,推荐个翻译公司给我?直接把电话给我吧 英语翻译能不能给个中文的再....... Arashi这个词怎么读?给个音标或是中文谐音 英语翻译给个中文意思。 谁来给我讲讲英语语法我不要语法书上讲的东西,我只想知道如何分析句子中的个成分,或是直接教我,完成句子怎么做, 能否请教一下,你是如何做的电老鼠的,能给个电路图吗,或是把你的制作告诉一下好吗,先谢了是这样的,我想制作一个灭鼠器,或是直接接到市电源上,或是用12V电瓶作电源,以前我制作过灭鼠器 高中数学三角函数问题,大神快来~~~这个怎么化成余弦,或是正弦,能给我个公式吗化成像这样的 帮我想个好听的网名,中文或是英文的都可以,要含有“琴”这个字 帮我想个好听的网名,中文或是英文的都可以,要含有“坤”这个字 帮我想个好听的网名,中文或是英文的都可以,要含有“颖”这个字 what's pronunciation?我要的是definition,不是中文解释.回答详细的,忘记第二个问题了,What's pronunciation teaching?可以直接给我链接 英语翻译要少一点的,给我中文,给我中文!明天就要,赶