water and a flame歌词RT Adele和Daniel Merriweather唱 英文歌词即可 有中文更好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 21:14:26

water and a flame歌词RT Adele和Daniel Merriweather唱 英文歌词即可 有中文更好
water and a flame歌词
RT Adele和Daniel Merriweather唱 英文歌词即可 有中文更好

water and a flame歌词RT Adele和Daniel Merriweather唱 英文歌词即可 有中文更好
seven days has gone so fast 七天七夜转瞬即逝
i really thought the pain would pass 我真以为痛苦会跟着消失
it's been nearly an hour, since i thought of you 又过了近一小时,从开始想你到现在
but you're not answering the phone 可你却迟迟不接我的电话
i'd settle for a busy tone 占线声令我作罢
at least by that i know that you're okay 至少我还能知道,你一切安好
a girl like you ain't meant to go away, oh... 你这样的女孩不该注定要离开,噢
now you're gone, there's nothing else i want 现在你走了,我感到万念俱灰
now that it's over, there's nothing else i want 全都结束了,我感到万念俱灰
what have i done?looks like i was wrong 我都做过什么?好像全是我的错
is everything really meant to change? 难道这一切真必须改变?
i guess we're like water and a flame 我想我们就像那水与火
water and a flame... 水与火...
i'm tired of this empty house 我厌倦了独守空房
i need a drink to get me out 需要用酒解我忧伤
a couple more till i forget your name 再饮几杯就能忘掉你的姓名
i saw a boy that looked like you 我见到一个酷似你的人
i didn't know quite what to do 这真令我有些不知所措
it took a power of will to break my stare 挣扎了很久才挪开我痴痴的视线
i realized what i wanted wasn't there 才意识到,我想要的并不在那儿
if you see me coming 如果我仰面走来
i look away, i'll look away 我扭头,我会扭头
and if your mind is made up 如果你真是心意已决
i look away, i will look away 我扭头,我定会扭头
if you worry about 如果你满怀惆怅
i'm okay, i'm okay, yes i am 我没事,我没事,真没事
all this sorrow and this pain 这辛酸,这痛苦,这一切
is gonna go away... 终究会慢慢退却...
lrc translated by tony chang from lk lyrics group