believe和believe in的区别 如题

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believe和believe in的区别 如题
believe和believe in的区别

believe和believe in的区别 如题
有一些重要补充,尤其是对于believe in的用法:
就是believe强调对事不对人,believe somebody或something, 强调的是相信事情的真实性,或者强调某人说的话的真实性,总的就是客观地对事情而言的.
但此外,believe还可以表示有宗教信仰(此时是不及物动词) 如"He thinks that everyone who believes will go to heaven"他认为凡是信神者都能进天堂.
而believe in有许多不同的意思
最常见的,就是楼上几为提到的,是指"信任", 就是对人不对事的, believe in somebody表示对某人信任
但是believe in 还有一些别的意思
如(1): believe in somebody/something可以表示相信某人/某事物的存在
如I believe in God. 不是说"我信任上帝",而是"我相信上帝的存在"
又如 believe in ghost就是相信有鬼的存在
(2): believe in doing something
如He believes in doing plenty of exercise

believe 着重“相信”你说的是“事实”,truth or not;
believe in 着重你所说的是否“值得信任”,whether you can depend on or not

believe 相信
believe in 信任
I really can't believe that he would do me such a favor. Since last time I was cheated by him, I no longer believe in him at all.

believe,believe in
Believe表示“相信”、“信以为真”(to accept as true)之意,它是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。例:
Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗?
I could hardly believe my eyes.我几乎不...


believe,believe in
Believe表示“相信”、“信以为真”(to accept as true)之意,它是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。例:
Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗?
I could hardly believe my eyes.我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。
In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat.古时候,人们认为地球是扁平的。
Believe in则表示“信仰”、“信任”(to have faith in somebody or something)之意。其后的常用搭配语为:有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人,如:a religion、ghosts、 fairies、 a theory、 a friend等词;例中的believe为不及物动词。如:
We do not believe in ghosts.我们不信鬼神。
He believes in getting plenty of exercise.他相信多锻炼身体就会有好处。
In the days of the French Revolution,people believed in liberty,equality and fraternity.
I believe him.(=I believe what he says)我相信他(的话)。
I believe in him.(=I trust him )我相信他是一个可以信得过的人。(即:我信任他)
在英美人的谈话中,经常可以听到这么一句口头禅——Believe me:这是一个用以表示希望对方相信自己谈话的口头语,它相当于I bet或 Take my word for it。例:
Believe me,you will get well very soon.你一定会很快就恢复健康的。
Believe me 可以根据不同的场合,译作“真的”、“我不骗你”、“一定会”或“请相信”。



believe 相信
believe in 信仰