简单的介绍一个a chinese dish,(具体的什么菜),有什么特别之处.有什么历史.等等之类的如题..不还意思补充一下用英文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:28:14

简单的介绍一个a chinese dish,(具体的什么菜),有什么特别之处.有什么历史.等等之类的如题..不还意思补充一下用英文
简单的介绍一个a chinese dish,(具体的什么菜),有什么特别之处.有什么历史.等等之类的

简单的介绍一个a chinese dish,(具体的什么菜),有什么特别之处.有什么历史.等等之类的如题..不还意思补充一下用英文
Baked chicken
On the origin of baked chicken,there is still a legend.Legend has it that in the late Ming and early Qing,Changshu Yushan Mountain there is a beggar,someday my a chicken,but there's no cooking spices,frustration,and chicken slaughter gutted,hairy leaves and twigs coated in mud,piled in the fire,add the chicken in the fire roasted simmer until maturity,dried mud,mud shell knocked,feather with shell off,fragrance overflowing,a beggar was overjoyed,and hold the chickens eat like wolves and tigers,just in the seclusion of Yushan big Bachelor Qian Muzhai pass by,smell the aroma is tasted,taste unique,home life for his family a little flavor follow suit,the taste is very delicious.Later,the cooking method in private spread,we put the cooked chicken out called" baked chicken".Later,this practice is restaurant of human science in go,on its preparation method also refine on,and add a variety of seasoning ingredients,therefore has won numerous food appreciation,fame,Muming taste,all the year round in a continuous line.Nowadays," baked chicken" a variety of mountain garden baked chicken,Wang Si baked chicken,Yushan brand baked chicken and so on,have been included in the" Jiangsu" and" China famous menus".Old coruscate gives new delicious dishes.
Delicious baked chicken as saying," hunger breeds discontentment" every place has a unique flavor snacks.We also have here a delicious,that is Changshu baked chicken.It is Beijing roast duck,Yunnan noodles in my heart as we Changshu baked chicken.Baked chicken is a special kind of chicken.It is outside wrapped in lotus leaves earth,are wrapped around the inside of the baked chicken manure,tender,hot,an open lotus leaf,a deep fried chicken Pumianerlai,looking slobber DC three thousand feet.As for the baked chicken flavor that mention.Pick up a piece of chicken,put it in his mouth,and tongue is not firm,can eat into the stomach to go in.Baked chicken taste tender and no residue,even the bones are crisp.Small baked chicken 's unique shape,like a lazy frog at rest like,on his back,its color is tan.Ordinary chicken cooked powerless,and baked chicken ripe still look mighty.Whole chicken back to highlight,head twisted extension in the wings,we Changshu people eat chicken,is very exquisite,chicken ass is not eating,so on the plate of baked chicken is always no ass.To eat is so,but it is not complete,always looks not pleasing to the eye,always feel a fly in the ointment.I had the pleasure of tasting once baked chicken,the baked chicken flavor and fragrance of lotus leaf,is to lead a person to endless aftertastes.Baked chicken with the one and only taste the wind fans all over the world.Friends,want to taste so delicious baked chicken,come to Changshu!

狮子头是中国江苏省扬州等地淮扬菜系中的一道传统菜。 传说狮子头做法始于隋朝,是隋炀帝游幸时,以扬州万松山、金钱墩、象牙林、葵花岗四大名景为主题做成了松鼠桂鱼、金钱虾饼、象牙鸡条和葵花斩肉四道菜,据说原名葵花斩肉、葵花肉丸,唐代郇国公韦陟的家厨韦巨元做松鼠桂鱼,金钱虾饼,象牙鸡条,葵花献肉四道名菜,令座中宾客叹服,葵花献肉被改名为狮子头。   狮子头是由六成肥肉和四成瘦肉加上葱、姜、...


狮子头是中国江苏省扬州等地淮扬菜系中的一道传统菜。 传说狮子头做法始于隋朝,是隋炀帝游幸时,以扬州万松山、金钱墩、象牙林、葵花岗四大名景为主题做成了松鼠桂鱼、金钱虾饼、象牙鸡条和葵花斩肉四道菜,据说原名葵花斩肉、葵花肉丸,唐代郇国公韦陟的家厨韦巨元做松鼠桂鱼,金钱虾饼,象牙鸡条,葵花献肉四道名菜,令座中宾客叹服,葵花献肉被改名为狮子头。   狮子头是由六成肥肉和四成瘦肉加上葱、姜、鸡蛋等配料斩成肉泥,做成拳头大小的肉丸,可清蒸可红烧,肥而不腻。但现代一般会用较多瘦肉。徐珂在《清稗类钞》明确记述:“狮子头者,以形似而得名,猪肉圆也。猪肉肥瘦各半,细切粗斩,乃和以蛋白,使易凝固,或加虾仁、蟹粉。以黄沙罐一,底置黄芽菜或竹笋,略和以水及盐,以肉作极大之圆,置其上,上覆菜叶,以罐盖盖之,乃入铁锅,撒盐少许,以防锅裂。然后,以文火干烧之。每烧数把柴一停,约越五分时更烧之,侯熟取出。”   该菜历史悠久,宋人诗云:“却将一脔配两蟹,世间真有扬州鹤”。将吃螃蟹斩肉
狮子头成品照片(20张)比喻成“骑鹤下扬州”的快活神仙,可见蟹粉狮子头一菜多么鲜美诱人了。清代《调鼎集》中就有扬州“大劗肉圆”一菜,其制法如下:“取肋条肉,去皮,切细长条,粗劗,加豆粉,少许作料,用手松捺,不可搓成。或炸或蒸(衬用嫩青)”可见狮子头一菜在清代就为社会公认了。   狮子头一菜的烹制极重火功。用微火焖约四十分钟,这样,制出后便肥而不腻、入口即化了。扬州狮子头有清炖、清蒸、红烧三种烹调方法,至于品种则较多,有清炖蟹粉狮子头、河蚌烧狮子头、风鸡烧狮子头。   狮子头就是丸子的一种。铁狮子头这道菜,其出处是因为神医喜来乐的家——河北沧州,而沧州的的铁狮子是一景,所以就叫这丸子铁狮子头了。主要是它的个大外焦里嫩。也有红烧狮子头的,做法很多。还有龙眼狮子头。清蒸狮子头。有的地方叫四喜丸子。做法基本一样。


所属菜系浙菜 。
东坡肉色、香、味俱佳,深受人们喜爱。慢火,少水,多酒,是制作这道菜的诀窍。   东坡肉,杭州名菜,用猪肉炖制而成。一般是一块约二寸许的方正形猪肉,一半为肥肉,一半为瘦肉,入口肥而不腻,带有酒香,...


所属菜系浙菜 。
东坡肉色、香、味俱佳,深受人们喜爱。慢火,少水,多酒,是制作这道菜的诀窍。   东坡肉,杭州名菜,用猪肉炖制而成。一般是一块约二寸许的方正形猪肉,一半为肥肉,一半为瘦肉,入口肥而不腻,带有酒香,十分美味。

