near beside by的区别与联系

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near beside by的区别与联系
near beside by的区别与联系

near beside by的区别与联系
near [niE] adj.亲近的,亲密的,近,(车,马等)左侧的,吝啬的 adv.(时间,空间方面)近,不远 prep.在...近旁,近...v.接近,走近 near [nIE(r)] adv.,prep.(常与to连用)近地,不远地;近,接近 the near future 不远的将来 The Nelsons are hoping to settle in Australia in the near future / in the not too distant future.尼尔森一家正希望在短期内定居澳大利亚.She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.她知道已接近海岸了,因为灯是高挂在悬崖上的.a house near the station 靠近车站的房子 My aunt lives quite near.我姑姑住得相当近.near adj.亲密的;近亲的 Only near relatives were invited to the wedding.只有近亲被邀请参加婚礼.He is my near friend.他是我亲密的朋友.左边的,左侧的;邻近的,接近的 the near front wheel of a car 汽车的左前轮 the pony's near foreleg 小马的左(前)腿 the near bank of the river 较近的河岸 near vt.,vi.靠近,接近,走近 beside [bI5saId] prep.在…近旁;在…旁边 和…相比 Beside yours our contributions count for little.与你们的贡献比较起来,我们的算不了什么.The refrigerators of this factory can be ranked beside the best of their kind in the world.这家工厂的冰箱比得上国际上最好的同类产品.beside the point 离题 To build another scyscraper in the city is beside the point.在该城市再盖一座摩天大楼的问题不必谈了.beside oneself (with) 几乎发狂 The children were beside themselves with excitement.孩子们激动得发狂.by [baI] prep.在近处;在旁边 standing by the window 站在窗户旁边 a table by the bed 床边的桌子 经;由;从 to enter by the door 由门进去 经过…旁 He walked by me.他从我旁边走过.不迟于 By tomorrow he'll be here.他明天就到这儿.被;由 written by Shakespeare 莎士比亚写的 根据;按照 to play by the rules 按规则比赛 相差 His horse won by a nose.他的马以一鼻之差取胜.以…方式 She earned money by writing.她靠写作挣钱.We went by air.我们乘飞机走.表示相(乘)除(以计算面积) a room 15 feet by 20 feet 一间长20英尺宽15英尺的房间 to divide X by Y 用Y除X 逐一;连续 The animals went in 2 by 2.动物两个两个地走进去.(指动物)由…所生 by adv.通过 Please let me by.请让我过去.附近 Do it when nobody is by.等附近没人时再做.by and by 不久以后;不一会儿 by and large 全盘;总的来说