英语翻译A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender.This owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on running the place.He tells the timid man,“If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town,drop eve

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 16:51:45

英语翻译A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender.This owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on running the place.He tells the timid man,“If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town,drop eve
A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender.This owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on running the place.He tells the timid man,“If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town,drop everything and run for the hills!He’s the biggest,nastiest outlaw who’s ever lived!” A few weeks pass uneventfully.But one afternoon,a local cowhand comes running through townyelling,“Big John is coming!Run for your lives!” When the bartender leaves the bar to start running,he is knocked to the ground by several townspeople rushing out of town.As he’s picking himself up,he sees a large man,almost seven feet tall.He’s muscular,and is growing as he approaches the bar.He steps up to the door,orders the poor barkeep inside,and demands,“I want a beer NOW!” He strikes his heavy fist on the bar,splitting it in half.The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer,hands shaking.He takes the beer,bites the top of the bottle off,and downs the beer in one gulp.As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar,the big man gets up to leave,“Do you want another beer?” the bartender asks in a trembling voice.“Dang it,I don’t have time!” the big man yells,“I got to get out of town!Don’t you hear Big John is coming?

英语翻译A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender.This owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on running the place.He tells the timid man,“If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town,drop eve
老西部一个酒吧老板刚雇用了一个胆小的男招待.酒吧老板给他的新雇员教了一些经营酒吧的要领.他对这个胆小的男招待说:“如果你听到‘大约翰’要到镇上来,你就放下一切逃到山里去!他是世上最坏的大恶棍!”几个星期过去了,平安无事.可有天下午,一个牧人跑过小镇,喊道:“ ‘大约翰’来了!快逃命啊!”男招待离开酒吧刚要跑时,被几个冲向城外的居民撞倒.他正要爬起来时,看见一个巨人,差不多有7英尺高.他肌肉发达,走近酒吧时更显高大!他跨进门来,吩咐里面可怜的男招待:“给我来瓶啤酒!”他的拳头重重地砸在吧台上,将吧台砸裂成两半.男招待提心吊胆,双手哆嗦着递给巨人一瓶啤酒.巨人拿过啤酒,咬掉瓶盖,一口气喝掉了啤酒.男招待吓坏了,躲在吧台后面,巨人起身要走.“您要再来一瓶啤酒吗?” 男招待声音颤抖地问.“娘的!来不及了!”巨人吼道,“我得逃出城去!你没有听见‘大约翰’要来吗?”












在老西的,酒吧店主刚聘请了一位胆小的酒保。这种情况在货主的建立给他的新员工一些指令上运行的地方。他告诉胆小的人,“如果你听说过大约翰的丘陵镇,放下一切和运行!他是最大的,谁是有史以来最恶心的取缔!“几个星期通过已无大碍。但一个下午,当地的牛仔来贯穿townyelling,“大约翰来了!运行你的生活!“当酒吧侍者离开酒吧开始运行,他被打倒在地,几个乡民冲出镇。当他自己,他看到一个大男人,差不多七英尺高。他的肌肉,并且还在当他接近了吧。他站到了门口,订单里面可怜的酒吧老板,并要求,“我现在要啤酒!”他划着他的重拳栏上,将其分割了一半。紧张的酒保手中的大男人喝啤酒,手在颤抖。他的啤酒,咬顶部的瓶子处于关闭状态,起伏的啤酒一饮而尽。作为酒吧的酒保背后隐藏吓坏了,大男人起身准备走,“你要再来杯啤酒吗?”酒保用颤抖的声音问。 “当它,我没有时间!”大男子大叫,“我出城!你没有听到大约翰来了吗?










一个老西部地区的酒吧老板刚刚雇了一个胆小的男招待。这个老板给他的新员工宣布了一些规定。他告诉胆小的男招待:“如果你听到大约翰到镇上来了,你就放下一切逃到山上去!他是有史以来最大的亡命之徒!”几个星期过去了,一切平安无事。但是一天下午,一个牧人穿城而来,边跑边喊:“快跑啊,大约翰来了!” 胆小的男招待刚要跑出酒吧,就被好几个出城的居民撞倒。他正要爬起来,看见店里来了一个差不多7英尺高的巨人。他肌肉发...


一个老西部地区的酒吧老板刚刚雇了一个胆小的男招待。这个老板给他的新员工宣布了一些规定。他告诉胆小的男招待:“如果你听到大约翰到镇上来了,你就放下一切逃到山上去!他是有史以来最大的亡命之徒!”几个星期过去了,一切平安无事。但是一天下午,一个牧人穿城而来,边跑边喊:“快跑啊,大约翰来了!” 胆小的男招待刚要跑出酒吧,就被好几个出城的居民撞倒。他正要爬起来,看见店里来了一个差不多7英尺高的巨人。他肌肉发达,从酒吧进来的时候还在长大!他进门后就命令可怜的男招待:“赶快给我一杯啤酒!”说着,他把拳头重重地敲在吧台上,吧台裂成了两半。男招待提心吊胆地端来的啤酒,双手直哆嗦。那巨人接过啤酒,咬掉瓶盖,一仰脖一口喝干。巨人站起来准备离开的时候,男招待已经躲在吧台后面吓坏了。“您还想再来一瓶啤酒吗?” 男招待用颤抖的声音问。“滚你的!我没有时间了!巨人吼道。“我要出城去!你没有听见大约翰来了吗?”


英语翻译a bar owner locked up his place at 2 am and went home to sleep.He was in bed for only a few minutes when the phone rang.what time do you open in the morning? a man asked.The owner was angry.He didn't answer and went back to bed.A few mi 英语翻译A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender.This owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on running the place.He tells the timid man,“If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town,drop eve 英语翻译JAPAN MOV'T FD CASED IN CHINA STAINLESS STEEL WATER RESISTANT 10BAR 不要老是泡在网吧里 英语翻译 Don’t always 空 空 in the net bar. 英语翻译A business that is owned and operated by one person is known as a single proprietorship .when there is only one owner .the amount of the owner's interest in the business is called owner's equity . 翻译下面初二的英语 快The owner(店主) was selling drinks at one end of the long bar(柜台) while a waiter(招待员) was selling drinks at the other end. My friend and I can't agree, Jack went up to the owner and said, I say there 一道完形填空,选择我都给你了,填A B C D 即可Mr Thomson went to drink at the bar at the same time every day.He always asked for---beer.Once the bar owner asked him---he would not take a big glass of beer--two samll glasses.I don't like 一道完形填空,选择我都给你了,填A B C D 即可Mr Thomson went to drink at the bar at the same time every day.He always asked for---beer.Once the bar owner asked him---he would not take a big glass of beer--two samll glasses.I don't like 英语翻译Owner's wquity is the net assets of a busindess.it is the owner's interest in the business .when a business is owned by one person,the owner's equity is shown as capital.when a business is ownes by stockholder's equity .owner's equity 英语翻译Experimental MethodAll experiments were carried out in a high-pressureCO2 apparatus (Speed-SFE from Applied Separations)(see Figure 1) with a 300-mL extractor designed for amaximum pressure of 690 bar and a maximum temperatureof 250 °C.T 一道英语完形填空Mr Thomson went to drink at the bar at the same time every day.He always asked for---beer.Once the bar owner asked him---he would not take a big glass of beer--two samll glasses.I don't like to drink---answeed Mr Tomsom.Whe 英语翻译when the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to moom,an oid lrishman was watching them on the television in the bar of a hotel.there was an eng-lishman in the bar,too,and he the lrishman,“the are very clever,aren't they 英语改错题````答案马上处理``速度``3QA man always went to a small bar on the sametime every day and asked of two glasses of beer.Hewould drink them and asked for two more.In one daythe bar owner asked him,Why you always ask fortwo glasse 英语翻译Years ago in Fance ,the owner of expression would make a visitor welcome by serving him the best meat in house .这句话怎么翻译?最难理解的是the owner of expression , 英语翻译A salad bar has ingredients,excluding the dressing.How many different salads are possible where two salads are different if they don't include indentical ingredients?You can either include or exclude each of the seven ingredients in your 英语翻译Girls on the dancefloor...Girls on the dancefloor...Girls on the dancefloor...I...I.I.I...I...I...I see you chillin' by the bar (bar)Why don't you grab yer girls and come here with a star?Yup,up in VIP...drinks on meSwag on tight with a g the owner of a village bakery was burnt in face , Dear car owner:Dear car owner:You have parked your car in the wrong place.This is a “no parkingDear car owner:You have parked your car in the wrong place.This is a “no parking” area.I don’t know what do you think when you parked it.This is yo