
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:37:45


形容词 a.[B] 1.最后的 He was the last person to leave.他是最后离去的人.2.仅剩的 I've spent my last dollar.我把我的钱全部花光了.3.最后过去的;紧接前面的 We had dinner together last Sunday.我们上个星期日一起吃饭.4.最不可能...的 He'd be the last person to do it.他是最不可能做这事的人了.5.最近的,最新的 According to the last news I heard,he will resign tomorrow.据我听到的最新消息,他明天将辞职.副词ad.1.最后地 He left last.他最后离开.2.上次,最近 I saw him last in New York.我上次见到他是在纽约.3.最后(一点) 名词n.[theS] 1.最后的人(或东西)[+to-v] He was the last of the passengers to leave the ship.他是最后一个下船的乘客.2.最后;末尾 They had been friends to the last.他们始终是好朋友.3.上个,上回 We had a party the week before last.我们前一个星期有一个聚会.last 2 不及物动词 vi.1.持续[Q] How long will the meeting last?会议要开多久?2.持久;保持良好状态 These shoes will last.这些鞋经久耐穿.3.维持;够用 Our water will not last long.我们的水快要用完了.及物动词 vt.1.度过,拖过[(+out)] He is very ill,and isn't expected to last the night.他病得厉害,估计拖不过今夜.2.够...之用 The food will last us a few more days.食品够我们再吃几天.last 3 名词n.1.鞋楦(做鞋的模型)[C]
