譬如to be doing.觉得很乱 不定时不是表示将来吗 怎么后面加了个进行时

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:04:54

譬如to be doing.觉得很乱 不定时不是表示将来吗 怎么后面加了个进行时
譬如to be doing.
觉得很乱 不定时不是表示将来吗 怎么后面加了个进行时

譬如to be doing.觉得很乱 不定时不是表示将来吗 怎么后面加了个进行时
不定式的大体方向是表示在谓语动词后发生,即将来,但是在非谓语作宾语的时候,有些动词固定要接不定式,比如refuse,decide,promise 等;或者不定式作原因状语时,此时,就不是将来的意思啦.
不定式的进行式表示与谓语同时发生的意思.例如:She was surprised to be seeing her old friend.


一般来说,如不定式动作发生在谓语动作之后(也就是你说的不定式表将来),用不定式的一般式表示,即 to do;例如:It seems to rain.
但是如果不定式动作与谓语动作同时发生,则用不定式的进行式,即to be doing。例如:He seems to be saying something .

例1:Each time I enter the classroom, some students pretend to be working hard.
这句话的含义是:Each time I enter the classroom. Some students pretend that they are working ha...


例1:Each time I enter the classroom, some students pretend to be working hard.
这句话的含义是:Each time I enter the classroom. Some students pretend that they are working hard.
例2:The children seems to be getting along with each other quite well.
含义:It seems that children are getting along with each oter quite well.
