
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:04:16


That night,the weather was not so good,but also the arrival of daddy,it is very difficult to get!Daddy said:"You love to eat peanuts?"
We are all racing to promise:"Love!"
"Who can bring the benefits of peanuts out?"
Sister said:"The beautiful smell of peanuts."
Brother said:"The peanut oil can be produced."
I said:"No matter how people can eat at a cheap price to buy it; all like to eat it.This is the advantage of it."
Daddy said:"The usefulness of course,a lot of peanut; but the same is very valuable.It's pretty small beans,unlike apples,peaches,pomegranates,the fruit hanging in their branches,green bright red color,it is a hope The envy of the occurrence of heart.The only fruit buried in the underground,to wait until maturity before it Rongren dug out.You see a chance to peanut Sesuo long on the ground,it can not be detected immediately have any fruit,you have to wait until it contacts Be aware of."
We say:"Yes." Mother nodded.Daddy goes on:"So you have to like peanuts,because it is useful,not great,things look good." I said:"In that case,people who do useful and not so great,decent people." Daddy Said:"This is what I hope for you."
Ye Lan before we talk about casual,although all peanut products are not,however,the father,now my heart is in the Indian edition.

The color of the sky of the that evening is not so good, but daddy also arrival, really very rare!The daddy say:" do you love to eat the peanut?"
We all emulate to promise:" Love!"
" Who can s...


The color of the sky of the that evening is not so good, but daddy also arrival, really very rare!The daddy say:" do you love to eat the peanut?"
We all emulate to promise:" Love!"
" Who can speak the advantage of the peanut?"
The sister say:" The smell of the peanut is very beautiful."
The elder brother say:" The peanut can make the oil."
I say:" Regardless and how the persons can buy it to eat with the low-priced;All like to eat it.This is its advantage."
The daddy say:" The use of the peanut is surely a lot of;But is similar is very valuable.This very small bean is unlike the good-looking apple, peach, pomegranate, hanging their fruit on, the color of the fresh and red light green, the heart that make person is on hoping but taking place to envy.It covers up the fruit in the underground only, wait until mature just permit the person to dig out it.You by chance see a peanut 瑟缩 ground is long on the ground, can't immediately the of 辨 has the fruit, must wait until you get in touch with it then can know."
We all say:" Yes." The mother also nods.The daddy connects bottom to say:" So you have to be like the peanut, because it is useful, not a great and good-looking thing." I say:" So, the person wants to BE the useful person, do not do the great and honourable person." The daddy say:" This is the my hope toward you."
We speak of the night to just spread, although all peanut foods all had no, however the father's words, still print on my heart version now.


英语翻译那晚上的天色不太好,可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得!爹爹说:“你们爱吃花生吗?”我们都争着答应:“爱!”“谁能把花生的好处说出来?”姊姊说:“花生的气味很美.”哥哥说:“花 落花生文章里为什么说晚上天色不太好,可是父亲也来了,实在很难得? 许地山《落花生》中的一个疑问?文中写到:“那晚上的天色不太好,可是父亲也来了,实在很难得.”这一段当中作者和父亲不是住在一起吗?难道作者父母离婚了?我一直在想这个问题,请别见笑 周公解梦梦见纸钱梦见自己在小时候读的中学操场上,天色很暗淡,应该象是晚上78点的时候,同学们都在玩,我却看见地上有很多钱,1分~10块钱都有,是1999年那中旧版钱,我就拼命的捡,可是怎么也 朗读下面一段话,选择正确的答案.闰土又对我说:“现在太冷,你夏天到我们这里来.我们日里到海边捡贝壳去,红的绿的都有,鬼见怕也有,观音手也有.晚上我和爹爹管西瓜去,你也去.”(1)这 走一步再走一步的阅读题答案 从遇险天色那段到最后 下雨天的晚上天色怎么是红的 星星在晚上有那么多,那为什么到白天就没了呢?每当晚上时,就可以看到很多星星,可是,到了白天一颗星星也看不到了,这是为什么呢? 英语翻译有谁知道的帮我翻译一下,我担心我翻译错了,到时候印刷出来就麻烦了~这就是英语不太好的后果啊~泪奔…Magical Season 貌似这个不对啊 我也翻译出来的是这个~我不要翻译器翻译的 那 哪种尿片好用宝宝一般只在晚上睡觉的时候才用尿片,可是到早上起来都是沉甸甸的,用手摸都有点湿,用过安儿乐,爽爽,爱儿乐都觉得不怎么样,不过只有安儿乐的起陀,可是吸水性都不太好,你 【英语翻译】我的英语不太好,可是我就是喜欢和外国人说话来锻炼我的英语. 英语翻译我知道我做的不太好,可是我很努力了,以后再加会努力的,英语怎么说? 每到晚上那颗最亮的星星叫什么? 英语翻译昨天天气晴朗,天色明亮,是个进行户外活动的好时节.昨天下午2:10,我们举办了一场歌咏比赛,七年级和八年级的学生们及老师走到教学楼前,我们每个人着装统一,也去了那里.音乐非 我今年大三,我不定期的会感觉生活很没意义,没有动力!什么也不想干?我也知道自己不能再这么浑浑噩噩下去了.家里的情况也不太好,感觉压力很大,可是现在自己真的拾不起那久违的学习激情 英语翻译我觉得人教版网给的不太好! 月亮爸爸里面坐个爹爹后面是爹爹出来买菜,还有奶奶的,不长, 有机合成题目请教如图 主要是a到b那一步不太懂,后面也不太好做了···