I promised toget to the cinema before 5,but now it is pouring with rain.they ___for me impatiently.为什么是must be waiting 而不是must have waited

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:17:31

I promised toget to the cinema before 5,but now it is pouring with rain.they ___for me impatiently.为什么是must be waiting 而不是must have waited
I promised toget to the cinema before 5,but now it is pouring with rain.they ___for me impatiently.
为什么是must be waiting 而不是must have waited

I promised toget to the cinema before 5,but now it is pouring with rain.they ___for me impatiently.为什么是must be waiting 而不是must have waited
must be waiting=肯定正在等
must have waited=肯定等了(等完了)

很明显啊now it is pouring with rain,现在正在下着倾盆大雨,所以后面也得用现在进行时了,they must be waiting for me impatiently他们现在一定等我等得不耐烦了

must have waited意思是已经等了很久

是对他们现在状况的推测,用be doing强调正处于什么状态,,must have waited是对过去状态的推测,如果要说一直在等那也应该用must have been waiting

他们一定等得很不耐烦but now 是现在的时间,must have waited是完成式

must be waiting意为:一定在等
must have waited意为:一定等了