被动语态的一道题看上去很简单,但我不懂把它怎么变成被动语态They made a big kite to take part in the game.谢谢你们````A big kite was made to take part in the game by them. 回答者:crywatching - 助理 三级 7-23 19:1

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:16:50

被动语态的一道题看上去很简单,但我不懂把它怎么变成被动语态They made a big kite to take part in the game.谢谢你们````A big kite was made to take part in the game by them. 回答者:crywatching - 助理 三级 7-23 19:1
They made a big kite to take part in the game.
A big kite was made to take part in the game by them.
回答者:crywatching - 助理 三级 7-23 19:16
A big kite was made by them to take part in the game.
回答者:LongLiveAlonso - 见习魔法师 三级 7-23 19:17

被动语态的一道题看上去很简单,但我不懂把它怎么变成被动语态They made a big kite to take part in the game.谢谢你们````A big kite was made to take part in the game by them. 回答者:crywatching - 助理 三级 7-23 19:1
一定要看完哦!看完以后也会做了!A big kite was made to take part in the game.选我吧,我积极争取!注意,这里made是动词,动词后面你就要注意了一般就是提到前面的词了,to是连接第二个动词的,不用去管它.所以先把名词提到前面.A big kite名词后面呢,就是加am is are的相应形式.你看这里动词是made是make的过去形式,所以这里用一般过去式,a big kite是一只风筝,所以用is的过去式was,后面加的就是原句中的动词,然后把你用过的原句中的词用括号括起来,人物什么的不用去管它,可加可不加,后面的照抄.记住,做这种题目最好是把用过的词在原句中用括号括起来,这样改起来就方便多了,这是我的经验,我就是凭这个才从一点不懂到完全不错的.欧也!

A big kite was made to take part in the game by them.

A big kite was made by them to take part in the game.

A big kite was made by them to take part in the game.

A big kite was made to take part in the game by them.

A big kite was made( by them )to take part in the game.是对的。括号中内容可省。

A big kite was made to take part in the game by them.

被动语态的一道题看上去很简单,但我不懂把它怎么变成被动语态They made a big kite to take part in the game.谢谢你们````A big kite was made to take part in the game by them. 回答者:crywatching - 助理 三级 7-23 19:1 改为被动语态 老师说很简单 但我不懂 求help I have taken a book I had taken a book I will take a book I would take a book I can take a book 一道关于概率的看上去很简单的问题我可搞不懂...从总数为N的一批零件中抽取一个容量为30的样本,若每个零件被抽取的概率为0.25,则N=120答案好像很容易能得出,但小弟可不懂了...比如这抽样 语法不懂 请尽量简单的说一下现在完成时 被动语态 过去完成时 用过去式的被动语态造句(简单一点,但不能太简单) 初三一道看上去很简单的物理实验题!但我不会,求求~~~~给你足够的水,量筒一个,怎样测定小瓷酒杯的密度?酒杯的直径小于量筒的直径)? 大家帮我一下、把这个英语句子改成被动语态的“everyone in the country is singing the beautiful song不懂英语的我…就一句话、大侠们快点…很急… it is money spent on the company,谁帮我检查这句话有语法错误吗?帮我把主谓宾划分出来.请问可以省略it或者money吗?这样看上去像被动语态.是被动语态好像又多了个money.求高人指教.他的上文是。这 关于被动语态的一道题Many ads are ----(aim)specifically at teenages这道题我知道填aimed可是为什么要用被动语态呢,可不可以用主动语态? 英语语法 关于被动语态我清楚被动语态的结构,,真正在做题的时候就是不会把主动语态改为被动语态.特别是过去进行时的时候,我不知道这个句子到底是不是过去进行时,所以经常把它改为一 问一道英语句型转换的题目.I was frightened when i heard the wisper.(改为一般疑问句)_____you frightened when______the wisper?“was frightened”是被动语态吗,我觉得不是,但不知什么语态..----You want________apples 我初一和初二一直都在玩,数学几乎都不懂,但我现在初三了想赶上去,应该怎么办其实我看上去觉得蛮简单的,只要上课认真听,多做练习。但我就是经常听不懂,老是做错,所以考得很差很 sell的被动语态?老师说sell没被动语态但我在报纸上看见一个句子It alredy been sold to a collector. 为什么? 10句生活中简单的英语被动语态~ 线性代数矩阵的一道简单题 但我就是不懂 太笨了线性变换后是什么样的 为什么是那样 呢 The story book is interesting____________.A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.to be reading老师讲解了,我知道答案,但我不懂.为什么B不正确?不是被动语态的用法吗? 初二被动语态被动语态的公式, 非谓语里表被动不用加Be,普通的被动语态要加be,到底怎么判断这该用非谓语还是被动语态别再说被动语态都要加Be了,有没有人懂的,我表达的很清楚了把!1