
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:46:22


My legs and knees, which is also great pain a few days more severe. Please help me check, is not caused by rheumatism?
My waist has always been painful, especially to do a longer period of time, then please help me check, is not it a little bit lumbar disc herniation, or because the kidney and other diseases caused by it?

My lower legs and knees hurt badly these days, could you help to check if it's caused by rheumatism?
My waist is hurting as always, especially when I've been sitting for a long time, could you help to check if it's caused by lumbar interveterbral disc protrusion, or any other diseases like of the kidneys?

1.My crus and knees ache a lot these days.Please give me a check and tell me if it is due to rheumatism.
2.I have had a pain in my back for a long time,especially when I sit long.Please check if it is caused by lumbar disc herniation or kidney diseases or other illnesses.

the position on my legs and knees,got a pain these days,could you help me with this?just make it sure it happend by rheumatism or not.
my waist makes me uncomfortable when i was young,especially w...


the position on my legs and knees,got a pain these days,could you help me with this?just make it sure it happend by rheumatism or not.
my waist makes me uncomfortable when i was young,especially when i sit for a long time,can you please check for me,it there something wrong with my herniation,or just because of other kidney diseases?


My crus and the knee get along , this several day also aches comparatively cruelly. Help me to examine an once please,whether be or not, does rheumatism arouse? My waist aches always very much, especi...


My crus and the knee get along , this several day also aches comparatively cruelly. Help me to examine an once please,whether be or not, does rheumatism arouse? My waist aches always very much, especially the time composing is parallel when growing, help me to examine an once please, whether if middle room plate protrudes a little bit , or the disease arouses other because the kidney waits or not?


My crus and the knee get along , this several day also aches comparatively cruelly. Help me to examine an once please,whether be or not, does rheumatism arouse? My waist aches always very much, especi...


My crus and the knee get along , this several day also aches comparatively cruelly. Help me to examine an once please,whether be or not, does rheumatism arouse? My waist aches always very much, especially the time composing is parallel when growing, help me to examine an once please, whether if middle room plate protrudes a little bit , or the disease arouses other because the kidney waits or not?


my legs and knees, which are also great pain a few days more severe. Please help me to check wheher they are caused by rheumatism?
My waist has always been painful, especially to do a longer per...


my legs and knees, which are also great pain a few days more severe. Please help me to check wheher they are caused by rheumatism?
My waist has always been painful, especially to do a longer period of time, then please help me check, is not it a little bit lumbar disc herniation, or because the kidney and other diseases caused by it? I want to leave out the pain soon,thank you!


My leg and knee pain these days. Please help me to check it, rheumatism causes?
I have been very ache, especially the loins of relatively long time, please check it for me,does the waist dish outstanding kidney or other diseases?

My calf and knee have been aching badly recently.Please check if the cause was rheumatism.
I have a terrible waist pain,especially after long hours of sitting.Please check whether i am suffering from a slipped disc or the pain is caused by diseased kidneys or whatever.

My legs and knees, which is also great pain a few days more severe. Please help me check, is not caused by rheumatism?
My waist has always been painful, especially to do a longer period of time, then please help me check, is not it a little bit lumbar disc herniation, or because the kidney and other diseases caused by it?

My lower legs and knees are having sever pain in recent days. Please have a look for me, is it caused by arthritis?
I've also had lower-back pain(你说腰,但如果用waist看似对其实不对的,waist指...


My lower legs and knees are having sever pain in recent days. Please have a look for me, is it caused by arthritis?
I've also had lower-back pain(你说腰,但如果用waist看似对其实不对的,waist指的是手掐“腰”的那个位置,而不是后腰,通用的是说lower-back) for a while, especially after sitting(楼主说“做”....嘿嘿.....应该是“坐”吧?)for a long time, please have a closer look for me as well, is it due to lumbar disc herniation? or is is caused by other kidney sicknesses?


These days, I have had pain a lot on my calf and knee. Please check if the pain caused by rheumatism.


These days, I have had pain a lot on my calf and knee. Please check if the pain caused by rheumatism.
I have had serious pain on my loin (你指的时腰间盘,应当用‘loin’,‘waist’指的是两侧的腰部),especially sitting for long time. Please help me to check if it is lumbar vertebra disc a bit extruded, or it is caused by nephrodystrophy or other disease.


My leg and knee pain and compare these days. Please help me check, rheumatism causes?
I have been very ache, especially the loins of relatively long time, please check it for me, a bit, or because the waist dish outstanding kidney and other diseases?

My calf and the knee place, these days also hurt quite fiercely. Please help me to inspect, is rheumatism causes? my waist has been very sore, particularly does the time is quite long, please help me to inspect, is the waist plate is a little prominent, because the kidney and so on other diseases cause?



“or is is caused by other kidney sicknesses?” 应该是“or is it caused by something else?”更为妥当。


My leg and knee pain and compare these days. Please help me check, rheumatism causes?
I have been very ache, especially the loins of relatively long time, please check it for me, a bit, or because the waist dish outstanding kidney and other diseases?

My leg and knee pain and compare these days. Please help me check, rheumatism causes?
I have been very ache, especially the loins of relatively long time, please check it for me, a litter, or because the waist dish

My lower legs and knees hurts badly this few days, could you help me check if it's caused by rheumatism?
My waist also hurts as always, especially when I've been sitting for a long time, could you help to check if it's caused by disc protrusion,Is it kidney disease or some other kind of disease?

My leg and knee pain and compare these days. Please help me check, rheumatism causes?
I have been very ache, especially the loins of relatively long time, please check it for me, a bit, or because the waist dish outstanding kidney and other diseases???

I am suffering severe pain in my calf and knees in the last few days . Please can you check for me whether it's because of rheumatism or not?
In addition,I always feel pain in my lower back, espec...


I am suffering severe pain in my calf and knees in the last few days . Please can you check for me whether it's because of rheumatism or not?
In addition,I always feel pain in my lower back, especially when I sit for a long time. I am wondering whether it is because of slipped disc or it is caused by kidney problem. Could you please check it out?


My legs and knees, which is also great pain a few days more severe. Please help me check, is not caused by rheumatism?
My waist has always been painful, especially to do a longer period of time, then please help me check, is not it a little bit lumbar disc herniation, or because the kidney and other diseases caused by it?

英语翻译我小腿和膝盖处,这几天也疼得比较厉害.请帮我检查一下,是不是风湿引起的?我的腰一直很疼,尤其是做的时间比较长的时候,请帮我检查一下,是不是有点腰间盘突出,还是因为肾等其 我这叫x型腿吗?我的大腿比较细,小腿较粗,差不多和小腿一样粗细了.膝盖并拢时脚部也能并拢,大腿和小腿间都还有些缝隙,但这时候如果只看小腿会觉得有点向外翻,向o型. 小腿粗,大腿膝盖都挺细,怎么减?我的腿不是很匀称,因为小腿显得比较粗,而大腿和膝盖部分挺细,大家都说不匀称不好看…我该怎么减呢?小腿部分单看也不胖,而且有肌肉硬硬的…游泳能瘦么? 英语翻译一般现在我们很流行穿到 膝盖的短裤.英文叫什么呢?一般穿在比膝盖下一点到小腿的裤子.英文叫什么呢?关于这个问题,我想我要问问店长.这句英文怎么翻译呢? 我的膝盖稍微向前突出,小腿向后弯曲,正面侧面看都比较弯曲,应该做什么姿势的运动进行矫正呢患者信息:女 21岁 想得到怎样的帮助:我的膝盖稍微向前突出,小腿向后弯曲,侧面看比较明显, 小腿骨折膝盖和大腿能受力吗?因为要参加科技论文比赛,所以想请教一下专家们,假如小腿骨折(假设是小腿中段)或者脚掌骨折,那么我要安装一种装置来辅助走路,膝盖和大腿下段是主要受 膝盖和手肘部位比较黑,怎么办? 腿很弯怎么办?怎样让腿变直?我的腿比较弯、主要是小腿、大腿长的不错、首先我不是O型腿、其次我不也是X型、最后我不是S型腿、我只是从膝盖到脚的小腿有点弯、大腿非常正常、今年16、 小腿向后弯曲怎么办我的腿挺瘦的 就是有点向后弯曲 穿短裤不怎么好看 该怎么矫正比较好?是膝盖下面小腿有点往后弯曲. 这个是什么腿型就是小腿上的肉往外翻,里面挨不到一起,膝盖和脚踝能合拢. 英语翻译如题翻译成文言文:我以前和你一样是个冒险家,直到我的膝盖中了一箭 我身高165厘米,体重56公斤,再减多少斤算美女呢我骨头架子比较小,所以小腿和小臂比较细,但大腿大臂比较粗!我们班男同学老叫我胖子胖子的,我很郁闷.我长得还算不错,至少有不少人表白,可 身体各个部位和内脏的英语.晕,能具体些吗?比如食指,中指,肝脏,肾,大肠,小肠,臀部,肛门大腿,小腿,膝盖,关节,血管,淋巴,等 眼睛,墙壁,膝盖 .打一句话谜面就是这三个词,谜底是一句话,我猜了几天了都,是一女同学出给我的, 梦里梦到蛇,是有什么含义是水蛇,一种是黑色的,一种是白色的,都有水的存在,黑蛇专进了我的小腿,不过被我拔出来了,白蛇从四面游向我,我吓得跑走了,我这几天肾虚,晚上会盗汗,最近打算买 小腿上长得什么东西呀,疼,硬 鳌虾观赏龙虾我的一只鳌虾,老是晃动腿,没事还用腿踹眼睛,小腿踹大夹子,这是怎么回事啊,才退壳没几天,不应该是要腿壳啊 福建和江苏的气候 谁比较冷?我在南京 这几天都是零下