英语bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in 原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis on affiliation and attachm

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 10:01:08

英语bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in 原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis on affiliation and attachm
英语bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in
原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis on affiliation and attachment,and a willingness to bring emotional factors to bear making workplace decisions.

英语bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in 原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis on affiliation and attachm
个人觉得没有bear in 这个短语,in 在文中表示的是在某个方面...

bear in ,带进来,承担的意思

They came in by the back door.他们是由后门进来的。4.(表示方式)搭乘,Don't overload your lecture with details that do not bear on the

英语bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in 原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis on affiliation and attachm 英语六级完形填空 考察bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in 原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis o 英语:关于时间搭配的介词像morning,night搭配什么介词呢? 英语:时间搭配的介词像morning,night搭配什么介词呢 英语介词和动词的搭配1 call from mobile`s service or..能用by 替换from表示用.为什么是搭配from呢?2 call sb at +号码 为什么用at 以上的介词的用法能从意义上说明下么?比较方便记忆啊12关于一问 Call fro 英语中与时间搭配的介词有哪些 如何快速记忆英语动词的介词搭配? 英语中介词by 的用法是什么 英语中形容词与介词的搭配如be strict with,即形容词与介词的搭配有什么关系 sit与介词的搭配sit atsit onsit insit by它们有什么区别呢? 介词的用法与搭配 英语中动词搭配介词的问题fall后面可以接哪个或哪些介词? 哪些英语常用动词和介词搭配 英语介词固定搭配怎么记? 初一英语的动词与介词搭配英语的动词与介词搭配英语的动词与动词搭配英语的动词与名词搭配举些例子,越多越好,初一上学期的, 英语动词搭配)应掌握的动词介词搭配(eg:break in,break out)动词请收集全一些 介词搭配的问题send搭配?buy搭配?cook搭配?write搭配?give搭配?是初一上学期的 英语,找出划线部分读音不同的选项A.wear earB.dear earC.bear earD.there ere