这是我写的英文,请帮我挑挑错或者提提意见Almost everybody wants to be successful and as you know, to be successful sometimes is rather difficult. But the distance of failure and success could be also very short. Now, I’ll tell you

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:33:42

这是我写的英文,请帮我挑挑错或者提提意见Almost everybody wants to be successful and as you know, to be successful sometimes is rather difficult. But the distance of failure and success could be also very short. Now, I’ll tell you
Almost everybody wants to be successful and as you know, to be successful sometimes is rather difficult. But the distance of failure and success could be also very short.
Now, I’ll tell you a story which I read in a magazine.
There was a young man who wanted to find a good job, so he send his resume to a company. But unfortunately, he failed in the first interview.Eleven people was agreed to go for the second interview. But the manager noticed that there were twelve people sitting in front of her.
Can you guess who is the unwanted man for the interview? Yeah, it is right the young man! Since he had failed the first time, why did he come now? The young man said: I wasn’t reconcile to the result and wanted to know in which aspect other people did better than me. I used to worked for 18 companies without a job-hopping.The reason why I had to change job so frequently was that all of the 18 companies closed down one by one. I known the reasons of every failed company were totally different. So I accumulated abundant experience. For example, the real examiner was the aged man against the door who served the tea for us just now.
It was surprising that the real examiner admitted the young man immediately for he wondered why his disguise failed.So, you see, sometimes it is easy to be successful from failure.

这是我写的英文,请帮我挑挑错或者提提意见Almost everybody wants to be successful and as you know, to be successful sometimes is rather difficult. But the distance of failure and success could be also very short. Now, I’ll tell you
1.There was a young man who wanted to find a good job, so he send his resume to a company.这里的send改为sent
2.Eleven people was agreed to go for the second interview.这里应该用复数的,还有agree的用法这里好像怪怪的,改为required(要求)会好一点.
3.Can you guess who is the unwanted man for the interview? 这里应该用过去式was吧
4.I wasn’t reconcile to the result .这里的意思应该是不满意吧,应该改为i didn't satisfied with the outcome.
5. wanted to know in which aspect other people did better than me. 这里which前面的in 可省略
6.I used to worked for 18 companies without a job-hopping.这里worked用完形.
7.I known the reasons of every failed company were totally different. 这里的konwn改为过去式.大概这样了吧

Everybody wants to success and as you know, to be successful is rather difficult. Yet sometimes the distance of failure and success could be very short.
Now, I am telling you a story I read in a ...


Everybody wants to success and as you know, to be successful is rather difficult. Yet sometimes the distance of failure and success could be very short.
Now, I am telling you a story I read in a magazine.
There was a young man who wanted to find a good job, so he send his resume to a company. Unfortunately, he failed in the first interview. Eleven people were allowed to go to the second interview. But the manager noticed that there were twelve people sitting in front of her.
Can you guess who is the unwanted man for the interview? Yeah, it was right the young man! Since he had failed the first time, why did he come now? The young man said: I wasn’t reconciled to the result and wanted to know in which aspect other people did better than me. I used to worked for 18 companies without a job-hopping.The reason why I had to change job so frequently was that all of the 18 companies closed down one by one. I known the reasons of every failed company were totally different. So I accumulated abundant experience. For example, the real examiner was the aged man against the door who served the tea for us just now.
It was surprising that the real examiner admitted the young man immediately for he wondered why his disguise failed.So, you see, sometimes it is easy to be successful from failure.



这是我写的英文,请帮我挑挑错或者提提意见Almost everybody wants to be successful and as you know, to be successful sometimes is rather difficult. But the distance of failure and success could be also very short. Now, I’ll tell you 大家帮我看看这篇文章怎么样,主要是给我提提意见,我要参加一个比赛...这是我真实的故事..想诉说出来...给自己找一点自信..大家帮我提一些建议...多提一些,哪写的不好尽管说...请大家到这 请英文好的进来帮挑挑错下面是我的英文简历,不知道写的有没有错误,请英文好的帮忙看下,谢谢majors:Analog Electronic Technology 、Digital Electronic Technology、Automatic Control Theory、Modern Control Theory、Mi 我刚刚写了一篇文章《美丽中国,秀美江西》,请大家提提意见, 帮我评下我的作文`` 提下修改意见!````我昨天才写的虽然不怎么样,但是那毕竟是我写给一个女生的东西.希望各位大侠小侠给我提提意见希望不会玷污到你们的眼睛.由于这是一个续篇,所以看 我要写一篇essay,加拿大阿卡迪亚人为什么被英国人驱逐的原因!请大家帮我提提意见,怎么样写好,英语essay写的不多,不怎么会写!我的Topic Sentence 是Why Britain expel Acandians!要写5段,第一段介绍,中 新概念英语该怎么讲呢欢迎提提意见我的意思是怎么讲课 作文修改,帮忙评一评这篇我写的作文好不好,不好帮我改一下,提提意见读《昆虫记》有感 《昆虫记》是法国杰出昆虫学家法布尔写的,看了这本书后,这本书使我受益匪浅,原来昆虫的世界里面 大家觉得Mathilda这个英文名好听吗?是我的英文名,大家帮提提意见,Mathilda这个名字怎么样?外国人眼里,这个名字代表什么? 初三的鼓励横幅语怎么写?就是贴在黑板上面的一些语言,中队主席让我帮她,大家帮我提提意见写什么好.最好在10个字以内的~3q了. 帮我找出我们的 干支 农历生日 女:1991年6月19日 男:1990年9月7日或者帮请帮我 看下这个图 应该怎么查 如果还有懂这方面的人 可以帮我提提意见我和他怎么才能在一起呢?我很喜欢他,但 我说···那个·我写好的托福作文帮我提提意见行不?行的话,我再向你提问个··· 求助一个英语演讲,班级内部.本人英语不好,但有不愿意让英语老师失望,我希望大家能帮我改一下顺便挑挑错吧,顺便给提提高度,是指高级语法词汇什么的,Hello,my name is XX ,many people should have kno 请老师给我批改一下这篇作文,这篇作文是以感动为标题,怎么才得了36分啊? 帮我提提意见啊.以感动为标题,写成一篇记叙文. 我是否需要雅思作文模板?我的雅思有信心突击7分,但是作文方面还是软肋,我希望最后写作至少能拿到6.5分,最好是7分,请高人提提意见 初三对数学课的意见 300字 不会写啊 那位大神帮我找找或者写一点 谢谢 请帮我写一篇 英文 我的爱好 作文 接下来我说说自己对这件事的理解与看法,或提提意见的英语翻译