on fine afternoons为什么加S

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on fine afternoons为什么加S
on fine afternoons为什么加S

on fine afternoons为什么加S

on fine afternoons为什么加S the morning与on fine afternoons的用法这是新楖念二册中第30课Football or polo、第36课Arcoss the Channel中的两个短语,那么可以不以这样写呢on the morning; in fine afternoons i like sitting by the wayle on fine afternoons.这一句为什么要加s呢?就是afternoon i like sitting by the wayle on fine afternoons1、sitting by 是固定词组吗?坐在河边都用sit 2、on fine afternoons 为何中间要加一个fine,这个怎么理解,能否举相同例证?3、afternoons后面为什么要加一个s? afternoon 前有形容词修饰时介词用in还是onWhat does the writer usually do on fine afternoons?这句话语法对不? does she play baseball on saturday afternoons?怎么回答 做不来Tom enjoys ____basketball on Sunday afternoons,doesn't he–Tom enjoys ____basketball on Sunday afternoons,doesn't he?- Yes,he does.But what his siter enjoys _____.A to play/dancingB playing/to danceC to play/to danceD playing/is to dance为 The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.帮分析一下句子,The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons.It was warm last Sunday,so I went and sat on the 英语问题they had all run away!这句和they all had run away.不一样吗.为什么这里用前都不用后者The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons.It was warm last Sunday 在英语中表示每一个下午可以用on the afternoons吗?偶尔在新概念2中看到:on the find afternoons,不知道可不可以说 on the afternoons.还有类似的,on the mornings、on the evenings等.那个 on the find afternoons写错 英语翻译星期三下午,我们学校放学比平时要早.On Wednesday afternoons,our school ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). on monday and wednesday afternoons then practice for an hour and a half 连词成句play,football,i like,to,friday,afternoons,on I like to play football on Friday afternoons.的中文是什么? Lili and Alice have sports on friday afternoons.改为一般疑问句如题 Peter often s_____ the Internet on Saturday afternoons.横线上填什么? they plang football on wednesday and saturday afternoons(改为同义句) they play football a . they plang football on wednesday and saturday afternoons(改为同义句)