这句英语有什么错误?在word里提示有语法错误Because it's really hard to communicate withsomeone who answers a question with a word or two.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 00:06:30

这句英语有什么错误?在word里提示有语法错误Because it's really hard to communicate withsomeone who answers a question with a word or two.
Because it's really hard to communicate withsomeone who answers a question with a word or two.

这句英语有什么错误?在word里提示有语法错误Because it's really hard to communicate withsomeone who answers a question with a word or two.

这句英语有什么错误?在word里提示有语法错误Budget your time so that you make it to the interview five to ten minutes early. 这句英语有什么错误?在word里提示有语法错误Because it's really hard to communicate withsomeone who answers a question with a word or two. please spell the word这句话有什么错误? 学会英语后,有什么前途提示说语法有错误!哪有? 你的练习里有一个错误这句英语怎么说 Obama was told that his father has been dead in a car accident.有什么语法错误?我在WORD里输入,WORD给我underline了was told,请指出有什么错误.打错了,是had been... 英语句子改错(语法,搭配错误)在线 When we werecompletely engrossed in the joyous spirit,my younger sister cried out,“Mygoodness!”这句有哪里错误了吗?在word里输入后就是有绿色线下划它的前后句是 Our eyes al 有什么提示语 She is going to give me a necklace this weekend.这句话有什么错误?(提示:错误在“is”或是“me”上 She is going to give me a necklace this weekend.这句话有什么错误?(提示:错误在“is”或是“me”上) He was born on 1990,sept.1...这句英语有什么错误 I’ll probable go swimming ever day in the future.这句英语有什么错误 YOU are the most special word in my word,关于一语双关YOU are the most special word in my word,这句话里,YOU既是人称代词,又是you这个单词,这句话里有错误吗, Know you love she.这句英语有错误吗? My name is what?这句英语有错误吗? 有没有automatization这个词?我记得有这个词,意思是“自动化”,可是写在word中,word提示为拼写错误,怎么回事? 问个简单的英语句子The competition then was not so fierce as it is nowadays.这句句子有语法错误么,为什么word里在so下面加了绿线. 靓哥哥帅姐姐们 都进来 有一个英语小疑问原句(you 've spelt the word wrong) 准确翻译 这是一个过去时吗?have 在句子里的作用 是什么 意为什么