Their teeth had to accommodate to hard siliceous grass.第二个to是什么?hard的前面怎么用to?怎么分析

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Their teeth had to accommodate to hard siliceous grass.第二个to是什么?hard的前面怎么用to?怎么分析
Their teeth had to accommodate to hard siliceous grass.第二个to是什么?hard的前面怎么用to?怎么分析

Their teeth had to accommodate to hard siliceous grass.第二个to是什么?hard的前面怎么用to?怎么分析
accommodate to适应

该句子中accommodate to是一个固定短语意思是适应,而hard siliceous grass是一个部分hard在这里是修饰后面的grass的。

People use____ to clean their teeth.(brush) Their teeth had to accommodate to hard siliceous grass.第二个to是什么?hard的前面怎么用to?怎么分析 You don't need_____show your_____me.A、to;teeth toB、to;tooths forC、/;teeth toD、/;teeth for 英语翻译people had been cleaning their teeth in this way from the old times Every few years,the coal workers ()their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A.are having B.have C.have had D.had had The storm __ ,they had to live in a cave.A.had destroyed their hut,C.having destroyed their hu选A行不行 baby crocodiles have special sharp teeth which to break their way out of the shells one day their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident and had to be in hospital . 翻译 He had never helped anything to have a happy ending of their own brace有牙套的意思吗在朗文里查这个词,是这么说的:a wire which some children wear inside their mouths to make their teeth straight.所以我觉得是牙套,可是其它双解的词典都说是支撑物 1.The stars look small,but tey are really____big hot balls of burning gas.A.very B.too C.much2.Older British people are the worest in Europe when it comes to keeping their teeth.But youngesters____more to smileabout because their teeth are among the 英语翻译When they show their teeth and growl,bears are a scary sight.They belong to a group of meat-eating creatures called carnivores.The large,sharp teeth at the front of their mouoths are called canines,and they use them for stabbing and teari We need to brush our teeth a_ eating dinner getting one's teeth in to a problem 关于新概念二册第48课的语法问题My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.为什么用过去完成时?(越完整越好)~ Tom didn't tell me for his new car.a how much had he paid b how much he had paid]c he had paid how much d he had how much paidThey had lunch in the park,a hadn't they b didn't they c won't d aren'tA dentist likes to help people's teeth better.a makes 英语翻译Newbom babies do not usually have any teeth.Their front teeth begin to grow when they are about six months old.Most children have all their milk teeth by the time they are two years old.there are 20 teeth altogether The front teeth are how many teeth?Newborn babies do not usually have any teeth.Their front teeth begin to grow when they are about six months old.Most children have all their“milk”teeth by the time they are two years old.There are 20 teeth altogether. The f