分析下这两个句子的语法To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.为什么me不是I,从哪看出的宾格.In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:20:53

分析下这两个句子的语法To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.为什么me不是I,从哪看出的宾格.In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go
To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.
In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go to see the pony.

分析下这两个句子的语法To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.为什么me不是I,从哪看出的宾格.In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go
第一句Bob and me 是finalists的同位语 而finalists在to 后是宾语,也就是Bob and me在这里是宾语,所以不能用I
当充当主语的时候就应该用I 看下一句 that both ...did是定语从句,在从句中did是谓语 Bob and I是主语 所以这里应该用I
其实只要注意 作主语时一定只能用I
而有些时候me和I 是可以通用 不过在通用的情况大多用me 所以只要记注 主语一定用I

这两个句子里Bob and me还有 my brother and I都是做主语,不是宾语的。只不过在英语习惯上如果有两个并列主语,应该把别人放前边,自己放后边,并且自己用宾格,表示对前边人物的尊重。但是习惯归习惯,并不是严格要求的,所以你说Bob and me也可以或者bob and I也没错。...


这两个句子里Bob and me还有 my brother and I都是做主语,不是宾语的。只不过在英语习惯上如果有两个并列主语,应该把别人放前边,自己放后边,并且自己用宾格,表示对前边人物的尊重。但是习惯归习惯,并不是严格要求的,所以你说Bob and me也可以或者bob and I也没错。


To the finalists也就是to Bob and me
In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go to see the pony.

第一句,to Bob,to me
第二句,Bob and I did the first thing

To the finalists,Bob and me, me是做to的介词宾语。介词后面只能接宾格代词。(对于Bob和我这两个决赛选手来说)
the first thing that both my brother and I did
我和我哥俩所做的第一件事。that both my brother and I did 这里的I是定语从句里面的主语。

对最后的,bob 和我来说,最后一跳是最精彩的也是最难的
the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go to see the pony


对最后的,bob 和我来说,最后一跳是最精彩的也是最难的
the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go to see the pony


To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.
之所以这里用me,要看这个句子啦。To the finalists,Bob and me也就是To the finalists,to Bob and to me,而to是个介词,介词后面跟宾...


To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.
之所以这里用me,要看这个句子啦。To the finalists,Bob and me也就是To the finalists,to Bob and to me,而to是个介词,介词后面跟宾语,所以用I的宾格形式me
In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go to see the pony.
1。the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go to see the pony.
2。the first thing was to go to see the pony.
由此我们看出both my brother and I did是用来修饰the first thing的,所以这里my brother and I 要用主语形式,所以用I


英语高手帮忙分析下下面一个句子的语法成分1.he traveled across China to document the words used by Chinese to describe their daily lives.(两个to 后面是什么成分?) 分析下这两个句子的语法To the finalists,Bob and me,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the most difficult.为什么me不是I,从哪看出的宾格.In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go 关于英语语法与翻译的一点问题...两个句子,帮分析下语法及翻译.:A: the difference between learned and popular words is of great important to a rightunderstanding of language.B: you interrupt the vary mental processes needed 麻烦帮忙分析下这两个句子语法,:1、We do this when it is clear from the situation what is going to happen.2、Circle the figure that you think are correct. 分析下这句话的语法A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship's captain instructing him to give up the search.我看不懂句子结构啊!这是新概念英语课文的句子 帮忙解释几个英语句子的语法Should you fail to return the ticket,or show for the event,you will be responsible for the cost.这个句子 是倒装,should打头.怎么句子分析下语法. 英语语法分析it has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of living that new developments in science and technology have brought to continue麻烦分析下这句子的语法结构及时态 I should make my feelings known to the woman I loved.麻烦给我分析以上句子的语法调整,并且在帮我造两个句子,作参考按照以上的语法特征找出10个句子 Write a T if the sentence is true.请帮忙分析下这个句子的语法 英语翻译The jokes Bill told in an effort to cheer us up did not quite come off.可否帮忙分析下这个句子里的语法。 I want you to tell me the truth.请分析这个句子的语法成分. I should make my feelings known to the woman I loved.分析语法特征,再帮我造两个句子 英语翻译We need to make it clear that an adapted version that goes too far from the original one is not merely disrespect to the author.请高手分析下这个句子的语法结构,两个that 在句子的作用,以及主从句的主谓宾,最好 none of us is invited to visit the palace和they invite us to visit the palace.帮忙分析下这两个句子的成分.就是主,谓.宾.宾补是那些.分析细致一点. 请帮忙分析这句英语句子的语法I tool the lift to the second level 这个句子的句子成分 Have you just been to the cinema?麻烦详细分析下这句话的语法,每个词在句子中充当的什么成份,这个顺序我搞不懂啊. 英语高手来下 有句句子不是很懂,帮我下 送分了I will go (to) where he goes (to) 括号里滴两个to 为什么都不能加饿?请分析下从语法角度分析下 两个to不用的原因 英语句法学的问题,从语法,结构等等方面分析以下两个句子. 1. To reme...英语句法学的问题,从语法,结构等等方面分析以下两个句子.1. To remember names...2. ...that the only pleasant people to associate with ar