_their teacher playing in the park?a.are b.is.are

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 23:27:08

_their teacher playing in the park?a.are b.is.are
_their teacher playing in the park?a.are b.is

_their teacher playing in the park?a.are b.is.are
their teacher 是第三人称单数,选b,is

_their teacher playing in the park?a.are b.is.are 6.Are there any bottles in that table?_________1No,there are 2Yes,there are 3Yes,there is.9._____!The teacher is dancing.1see 2listen 3look10._____an interesting book it is!1how 2what 3which11.______to Shanghai!1welcome 2please 3hello15Are they playi 初中英语The student _their classroom whThe student _their classroom when the visitors arrived.A.have cleaned B.had cleaned C.was cleaned D.have been cleaned Teacher. It is believed in sport what really _______ is not the winning but the playi All the parents _their children to _hard.第一空填hope还是wish,第2空填study还是studying Now the students hardly ever go to school by bike.Now the students_ _their bikes to school. I found this computer game_______ to playI found this computer game_easy_ to play为什么不用easily不是修饰 found Look A man was looking out of the window.Three men were playing football.Three girls were playi 翻译下面的句子当他们看到有人过来时,他们挥手求救 When they saw someone _ _,they _their hands _ help teenagers _their health because they play computergames too muchA have damaged B are damaging C damaged D will damage 该选哪个呢?原因? 英语试题:短文改错an important cause of the so_called generation gap改错_is the opportunity which young people have to choose改错_their own Parents often ask their kids _their internet friends because the kids may be in dangerA to meet B not to meet C meeting选哪个 Not long ago,I was a clear river.I was leisurely flowing and the fish in the water were happy playi teacher's teacher造句 teacher' s happy teacher