practise————? 过去式

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 20:24:05

practise————? 过去式
practise————? 过去式

practise————? 过去式




practise————? 过去式 practise的过去式是什么? _____?—I went to Beijing with my mother.A.practising to play B.practising practise to play practise playing 练习practise的过去式是什么? want、practise的过去式问问 The teacher said thepraitise——perfect A make Bmakes Cmade Dmaking应该是practise how often do you usually practise oral English a week?保持句意基本不变———— ———— ———— do you usually practise oral English a week? 过去式例 go——went practise practise made的过去式我们成功了——We made it.过去式! 他们需要多加练习,因此他们在两个月前就忙这个事了!they need to practise a lot ——they started ——they need to practise a lot ——they started —— —— it two month ago 1.( ) Eglish as often as possibleis very important.A .practise speaking B.Practising speaking C.Practise to speak D.Practising to speak2.— ( )is your mother?—She’s a shop assistant.A.Where B.What C.How D.Who3.Jim’s a shop worse at( )than( ).A 过去式英语过去式 borrow的过去式是什么?——快抢啦,限时1分钟 — I play the organ_______but I find it hard— I play the organ_______but I find it hard—You should practise it oftenA.very often and then c.a lot of D.only die,practise,must,would,shall的过去式咋写还有lie listen的过去式 practise的过去式 visit的过去式 talk和taklisten的过去式 practise的过去式 visit的过去式 talk和take的过去式 see和have和learn的过去式 teach和go和read的过去的 write和read和do的过