The question arises as to _should go out this morning to clean the sonw as to ,答案是who"the question arises to” 在句子中做什么成分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 07:20:32

The question arises as to _should go out this morning to clean the sonw as to ,答案是who"the question arises to” 在句子中做什么成分
The question arises as to _should go out this morning to clean the sonw as to ,
"the question arises to” 在句子中做什么成分

The question arises as to _should go out this morning to clean the sonw as to ,答案是who"the question arises to” 在句子中做什么成分
as to = concerning, about 相等于介词,
原句的正常语序为:the question as to who should go out this morning to clean the snow arises.
为了避免头重脚轻,把谓语arises提前 ,把as to.这个介词短语(作定语)就放在了后面

The question arises as to _should go out this morning to clean the sonw as to ,答案是whothe question arises to” 在句子中做什么成分 A question then ( ):What are we going to do when we graduate from the university?A、raises B、arouses C、arises D、rises 英语翻译Once the main objectives of financial supervision have been identified,the question arises how these translate in terms of structuring supervision.Looking at the actual situation in the European Union,one will find two main patterns,with The Question Behind The Question 24.His son has become a doctor,___ has wanted to be.A.who B which25.The question arises as to ____ should go out this morning in the below-zero weather to clean the snow from the entrance.B.who D.those who26.Mr.Smith will move into his new house next 英语单选题!求解!定语从句什么的!the question arises as to_____should go out this morning in this below-zero weather to clean the snow from the entrance.A. which B.who C.whom D. those who选哪个?B还是C还是D?为什么?选项 英语翻译Mixing skills and methodologies.Having in mind the complete framework proposed by Smith [1] one question arises:are all the methodologies necessary At which level of knowledge?Of course com panies can’t afford to have people in their de 英语语法!请问定语从句中的先行词于其后面的关系代词或关系副词之...英语语法!请问定语从句中的先行词于其后面的关系代词或关系副词之间能否有 谓语动词?就像这个问题 the question arises ask the question 还是ask a question out of question/out of the question Out of question,Out of the question Please answer the question. Please answer the question. pop the question answer()the question answer the question beyond the question是什么意思 ask the same question